11 wrong food combinations as per ayurveda

Wrong food combinations as per ayurveda

Embarking on a journey through Ayurveda, we delve into the subtle art of combining foods. It is a practice intricately woven into the fabric of well-being. Join us as we navigate the labyrinth of wrong food combinations as per Ayurveda. It’s time to decipher the secrets that our meals hold! Let’s embark on a path of mindful and nourishing eating.

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*While you might feel unaffected by certain food combinations, it could be attributed to youth or a robust digestive fire. However, over time, eating these wrong food combinations as per ayurveda may contribute to various health issues, including high blood pressure, diabetes, fatty liver, heart blockage, arthritis, and constipation. The subtle impact on your well-being might not manifest immediately, but understanding and aligning with Ayurvedic principles can provide long-term benefits for a healthier and more balanced life.

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Wrong food combinations as per Ayurveda

Ghee and curd/yoghurt

  • Highlighting the individual benefits of ghee and curd, they play distinctive roles in promoting well-being.
  • Ghee stands as a multifaceted ally, regulating blood sugars, enhancing heart health, and aiding in weight management.
  • Meanwhile, curd or yoghurt emerges as a powerhouse for body strengthening, serving as a natural probiotic and even contributing to aphrodisiac qualities.
  • However, in Ayurveda, the combination of ghee and curd is cautioned against, as their synergy might impede digestion, potentially slowing down metabolism and inducing a sense of lethargy.

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Mix smoothie

  • When crafting a nutrient-packed smoothie, here’s a tip to consider: avoid adding milk to the mix. 
  • Opt for a smoothie that features either a combination of fruits or vegetables, but not both.
  • The rationale lies in the distinct digestion processes for fruits and vegetables.
  • Keeping them separate ensures optimal digestion and absorption of their nutritional benefits.
  • So, rethink your smoothie game – choose a fruit-centric or veggie-packed blend for a wholesome and digestion-friendly beverage.

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Tomato & Cucumber

  • In the realm of Ayurveda, the combination of tomato and cucumber is deemed unfavourable.
  • Ayurvedic principles suggest that the conflicting properties of these two ingredients can lead to confusion within the digestive system.
  • If you’ve experienced bloating after indulging in your favourite salad, the juxtaposition of tomato and cucumber might be the culprit.
  • Consider exploring alternative combinations that align more harmoniously with your digestive well-being.

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Milk and citrus fruits

  • Combining milk, rich in casein, with citrus fruits containing citric acid creates a potentially confusing scenario for the digestive system.
  • The interaction between these components may hinder proper absorption when consumed together.
  • Consume milk and citrus fruits separately to optimize nutrient absorption and digestive harmony. This allows your body to efficiently process and derive the benefits from each.

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Milk and fish

  • Fish and milk top the list of wrong food combinations.
  • Despite being protein sources, their distinct compositions require different enzymes for digestion.
  • Consuming them together may overload the digestive system, potentially leading to increased acidity in the blood.
  • Regular intake of this combination is believed to be associated with skin issues such as leucoderma, pigmentation, hives, and spots. 

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Roasted nuts with beer

  • Indulging in roasted nuts while enjoying a beer might lead to discomfort.
  • The combination of nuts, rich in fats and proteins, with beer can cause gas and bloating.
  • The contrasting properties and digestion times of these elements contribute to digestive discomfort.

Peanuts with water

  • Ayurveda advises caution when combining water with peanuts due to their rich oil content.
  • The principle that oil and water don’t mix well is emphasized.
  • Consuming water after peanuts or oily food may lead to fat deposition in the food pipe.
  • Additionally, peanuts require significant heat for digestion, and drinking water immediately afterwards can disrupt the digestive fire, hindering the digestive process.
  • Maintain a gap of at least 30 minutes between consuming peanuts and drinking water to optimize digestion.

Burger or pizza with carbonated drinks

  • Both burgers and pizzas, laden with cheese and calorie-dense ingredients, can exert a considerable load on the digestive system, especially when paired with carbonated drinks.
  • The combination of high-calorie foods and carbonated beverages may contribute to digestive discomfort.
  • Opting for a more balanced and easily digestible meal or enjoying these indulgences in moderation can be a mindful approach to support digestive well-being.

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Milk and salt

  • Ayurveda advises against combining milk and salt, such as making dough with milk or using milk as a base for savoury curries. This is one of the wrong food combinations as per ayurveda that produces toxins that may block the body’s channels and impurify the blood.
  • Potential consequences include skin issues like eczema, acne, dry and itchy skin, swelling, and psoriasis.
  • While salt can be consumed with other milk products, avoid pairing it with milk and cream to maintain a more harmonious relationship between ingredients and promote skin health.

Rice and vinegar 

  • For fans of Chinese cuisine, here’s a note from Ayurveda: rice and vinegar have an incompatible relationship.
  • According to Ayurvedic principles, these two ingredients possess antagonistic properties towards each other.
  • Consuming them together may elevate the toxic load on the liver.
  • As an alternative, lemon juice is suggested as a substitute for vinegar, offering a more harmonious pairing with rice. 

Milk and jaggery

  • While Ayurveda recognizes the numerous benefits of jaggery, including its ability to prevent constipation, detoxify the liver, purify the blood, boost immunity, and ease menstrual pain, combining it directly with milk is cautioned against.
  • Adding jaggery to milk can lead to curdling and weaken the digestive process.
  • Ayurveda suggests using alternatives like jaggery powder or thread mishri powder.

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Best food combinations according to Ayurveda

Wheat and cucumber

  • Combining wheat with cucumber can be a thoughtful choice for aiding digestion, as cucumber is believed to have an affinity with wheat, assisting digestion.
  • Enjoying a cucumber salad before a meal containing wheat, such as wheat bread or chapati for lunch, may contribute to better digestive outcomes.
  • Ayurveda suggests avoiding cucumber during the night due to its cooling properties.
  • For an evening alternative, ginger can be considered to complement your dietary choices and support digestion.

Milk and ghee

  • The combination of milk and ghee holds a special place in traditional practices, as your grandmother embraced.
  • This concoction is known for its instant calming effect on the mind and is considered a natural analgesic.
  • Often hailed as a yogi food, consuming 1 tsp of ghee with cow milk, especially 30 minutes before bedtime, is believed to nourish the skin, enhance tissue strength, and contribute to overall well-being. 

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Sprouts and heating spices

  • Ayurveda recognizes sprouts as one of the most nutrient-dense foods, packed with protein, enzymes, vitamins, fibre, and minerals.
  • Despite being extremely cold in potency, the assimilation of sprouts benefits from a well-ignited digestive fire.
  • Combining sprouts with heating spices like ginger and black pepper is recommended to aid digestion.
  • This principle extends to raw vegetables as well. Incorporating heating spices into raw vegetables can enhance the digestive process. This makes these living foods more accessible for the body’s absorption of nutrients.

Potato with rice

  • Contrary to the common belief that both potatoes and rice contribute to weight gain, Ayurveda suggests that combining rice with potatoes can actually aid in cutting extra fat from the body.
  • An interesting tip is to cut a potato in half and add it to the pot while cooking rice.
  • Once the rice is ready, you can remove the potato and enjoy your rice, benefiting from the unique properties of this combination according to Ayurvedic principles.

Coriander with hot spicy curries

  • The intense heat of spicy curries can be balanced by garnishing them with coriander.
  • Coriander’s cooling properties complement the fiery nature of spices, creating a more harmonious flavour profile.
  • This simple addition aligns with Ayurvedic principles, showcasing how thoughtful combinations of herbs and spices can contribute to culinary delight and maintain balance in the body’s internal environment.

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