How to detoxify the gut to lose belly fat naturally

Lose belly fat naturally

Once upon a time- in a land not so far away, I embarked on a quest for a flat belly, believing that the elusive secret lay in the world of crunches and sit-ups. Oh, how wrong I was! Little did I know that the number one blunder I was making wasn’t in the gym- it was within me – my gut health.
My digestive system resembled a grumpy dragon, belching and groaning with discomfort. My flat-belly dreams seemed to float away like lost balloons at a carnival. But fear not, for this tale takes a delightful twist. With the help of ancient Ayurvedic wisdom and detoxification methods, I could finally improve my gut health and lose belly fat naturally. 

Join me as I spill the beans (or perhaps the lentils!) on the magical remedies that rescued my gut and helped me get a flatter and happier tummy.

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Best ways to improve gut health and lose belly fat naturally

Wet pack

A wet pack is a therapeutic technique that involves applying wet compresses or wraps to the body as part of a detox regimen. The idea is to help the body eliminate toxins through the skin. And trust me, it is sure to provide a soothing and relaxing experience.

How to use the wet pack?

  1. Take a big cotton cloth and fold it into a long strip about 10 inches wide and 1 meter long. Dip it in cold water (Bearable temperature. If your tap gives out cold water, that’s good enough. Otherwise, you may use some ice), squeeze the excess water and wrap it around your abdomen. Tuck it in so it doesn’t fall off. Half the pack should lie above the navel, and the other half should lie below the navel. 
  2. Take the small strip about 2 inches wide and 1 metre long, dip it in cold water, squeeze the excess water and wrap it around your neck. 
  3. Take the other small strip about 2 inches wide and 1 metre long, dip it in cold water, squeeze the excess water and wrap it around your forehead. 

Important things to Note – 

  • After applying the wet pack, you may wear your clothes over it and continue your daily chores. You need not sit in one place.
  • Keep the wet pack on for about 30-40 minutes.
  • You may apply it anytime, even before or after a meal. Ensure you do not eat or drink while the wet pack is on.
  • Apply a wet pack at least once or twice a day.
  • Wet pack can be used during menstrual cycles.
  • Always apply the wet pack on all 3 regions – the stomach, neck and forehead.
  • Do not use it if you are shivering while using it or during freezing weather conditions. You should feel comfortable while using a wet pack.
  • Wash the cotton cloth every time you use it. Ensure washing it like your other clothes- at least twice a week.

Benefits of Wet Pack 

  1. Increases blood circulation. Hence, toxins accumulated in the depths of our organs start leaving their place. It’s a powerful way to detox the body.
  2. When applied to the abdomen, it relieves all forms of indigestion. It is powerful in curing ulcers, IBS, GERD, acidity, bloating, constipation, stomach pain and colitis.
  3. It helps improve gut health and lose belly fat.
  4. When applied to the neck, it helps get rid of thyroid problems. 
  5. When applied on the forehead, it increases blood circulation near the brain and helps cure headaches, migraines and other mental disorders.
  6. It tones up the stomach and helps get rid of excess fat. 

12 Best juices for skin

Ash gourd Juice

Ash gourd is known as ‘kushmanda’, literally, tiny egg of energy. This juice will boost your energy levels and detoxify your body. If you drink this juice for 2 weeks, you will notice better skin and hair quality. Yes, 14 DAYS, and it doesn’t taste bad.

To make a refreshing glass of ash gourd juice, take 250 grams of ash gourd. Remove the outer peel and seeds (which makes the juice taste bitter), cut it into pieces and toss it into your juicer for a pure, healthy sip, or blend it in a mixer using some water and strain it through cheesecloth.

Important points to remember

  • If you live alone, you can keep the rest of the ash gourd in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.
  • It is necessary to drink this juice early in the morning- right after waking up. Do not eat anything for an hour after drinking this juice.
  • Do not store the juice or add salt, sugar, or black pepper powder. Doing these things can decrease its nutritional value.
  • Drink this juice immediately after preparing it.
  • Do not drink this juice in a hurry. Take your time to drink it sip by sip.

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Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting, with a 16-hour gap between dinner and breakfast, is a deeply rooted practice in our connection with the sun. Our digestive fire, “Agni” in Ayurveda, is closely tied to the sun’s cycle. Agni is at its peak during the afternoon, facilitating efficient digestion, but as the sun sets, it wanes.

Benefits of intermittent fasting

The benefits of intermittent fasting are multifaceted. First, it allows your internal organs to rest, promoting optimal functioning. During the fasting period, your body has a chance to eliminate toxins and cleanse itself. This practice can increase productivity as your body becomes more efficient in nutrient absorption, providing you with sustained energy.

Enhance fasting experience

To enhance the fasting experience, consider consuming detox juices like ash gourd juice about an hour before breaking your fast. This aids in gently preparing your system for food intake. However, be mindful of what you consume during the 8-hour window when you break your fast. Nourishing, whole foods are your best allies. Avoiding junk food is essential to fully reap the rewards of intermittent fasting.

Starting this journey may be challenging initially, but after 3-4 days, your body will gradually adjust, and the practice becomes more manageable. Intermittent fasting connects you with your body’s natural rhythm and offers a range of health benefits, promoting overall well-being.

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*One of the things that I personally like to do to bring my gut health to normal is EKADASHI FASTING. In simple language-

Ekadashi fasting

Ekadashi fasting is a sacred and spiritually significant practice in Hinduism. Observing Ekadashi involves fasting from grains and beans on the eleventh day of the waxing and waning lunar phases, as per the Hindu calendar(4th day before the new moon & 4th day before the full moon). The fast is broken on the following day, Dwadashi. While this tradition has deep religious roots, it offers a range of physical and mental benefits. Ekadashi fasting aids in detoxification, allowing the digestive system to rest and reset. It promotes self-discipline and mindfulness and facilitates mental clarity and spiritual growth. Many experience a sense of inner peace and a connection to their higher selves, making it a holistic practice that nourishes the body, mind, and soul.

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Fermented foods

Fermented foods have been cherished for centuries for their profound impact on well-being. They are consumed to improve gut health and lose belly fat. During the fermentation process, microorganisms like bacteria and yeast transform food, leading to the development of beneficial probiotics. These microorganisms, or “good bacteria,” promote a healthy gut flora balance. They can help improve digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, and boost the immune system. The benefits of fermented foods extend beyond the gut. They have a positive effect on mental health and inflammation reduction. Common examples of fermented foods I include in my diet are yoghurt, dosa, dhokla, kimchi, and kombucha.

Yoga poses to reduce belly fat


Balance on one leg while holding the other leg- straight up with your hand, and there you go! It’s a fantastic stretch for reducing belly fat.


Konasana, or the Triangle Pose, is an effective stretch for the entire body, especially the legs, hips, and core.


Vakrasana, or the Twisted Pose, is a yoga asana that involves twisting the spine. This pose offers various benefits, including spinal flexibility and abdominal toning.

In our journey to explore natural ways to improve gut health and lose belly fat, we have uncovered holistic practices and lifestyle changes. Remember, patience and consistency are your allies in this endeavour.

Gut health is a cornerstone of overall well-being, and by adopting these habits, you’re nurturing a thriving microbiome and promoting a healthier, happier you. So, as you embark on this path to a healthier gut and a trimmer waistline, keep these insights in mind and let your wellness journey flourish. 

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