24 hour mindfulness challenge to reset your life

24 hour mindfulness challenge

It is sad how we live every day, striving for perfection without enjoying the basic joys of life, and then one day, before we know it, time takes a turn, and we grow old. It is only then that we realize how we have only survived every day, depriving ourselves of living life each day. Here is a 24-hour mindfulness challenge that will help you live your day and not merely survive-

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24-hour mindfulness challenge 

The moment you open your eyes

  • Let your alarm clock wake you with something beautiful- the calming ocean waves, the soothing rain, or the chirping birds.
  • Wake up 20 minutes earlier than usual. It is the best way to start your 24-hour mindfulness challenge.
  • Say no to tech before you complete your entire morning routine.
  • Take five deep-grounding breaths.
  • Do a mini-body scan. Feel the sensations in your body and notice how you are feeling physically.
  • Smile just because you are alive today.
  • Feel gratitude for three things in your life.
  • Notice that feeling is the key.

*If you are a morning person, do not forget to listen to the sounds of nature.

10 minutes meditation 

  • Set up a special sitting place. You can surround yourself with anything you consider sacred.
  • Sit in a comfortable position and set the timer for 10 minutes.
  • Bring your awareness to your breathing, noticing the movement of air flowing in and out of your body. Know that you do not have to control anything; just go with the flow.
  • If any thought arises within your mind, thank it for being there and ask it to float away.
  • Mindfulness meditation is not about perfection. It is about being surrounded by everything without being disturbed by anything.

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Set your intention 

  • Feel the love flowing in your heart from who truly loves and cares for you. 
  • Irrespective of what is happening to you or around you, decide how you want to live that day.
  • Share love and joy with all the people you meet. Bless every soul.
  • Deliberately pay attention to all the joyful moments in your life.
  • Make it a habit to savour joy throughout the day.


  • Do not listen to your favourite playlist to exercise mindfully. Talk on the phone, or watch TV. Be fully present by paying attention to yourself and your surroundings.
  • Listen to your body.
  • Are any parts of your body working extra hard? Does your body feel different today than yesterday? Make a mind and muscle connection.
  • Notice your breath, heartbeat and the burning sensation in your body.
  • Be kind to yourself rather than depreciating yourself for not finishing your workout.
  • Appreciate yourself for doing something for your body.

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  • Put 2 drops of your favourite essential oil on the ground where you shower.
  • Feel the sensation of water touching your skin and let everything that is not serving you flow with the water down the drain.


  • Plan your breakfast the night before.
  • Put down the newspaper and all electronic gadgets.
  • Eat your food slowly. Mindful eating is bringing your focus to the food in your bowl and slowing down to eat, using all of your senses.
  • If you are not eating alone, connect to the person who is having breakfast with you. 

Working hours

  • Start with the outcome. Choose a single project to focus on, and have clear intentions.
  • Work in focused intervals.
  • Set a time-bound goal. Focus for 60 minutes, and take a break before starting another focus interval.
  • Listen to your intuition.
  • First, settle your mind with a few calming breaths and ask yourself: What matters the most today? What matters most this week?
  • Focus on one task at a time. Be conscious. When you notice yourself getting distracted, bring your attention back to your work. 
  • Take breaks in between to connect to your body and breath.
  • Set an intention for the meeting.
  • When the other person is speaking, let go of any points you want to make and be there- mentally active and alert.
  • Use nonverbal signals like nodding or smiling to let the person know you are tuned in. Close every meeting with appreciation.
  • Set a specific time for answering emails. Before you send an email, save it in the draft and go through it once to see that it is to the point and sensitive to others’ feelings.
  • Prioritize relationships. Set an intention to put people and relationships above tasks and to-do lists. 
  • During work, take some time to connect with your coworkers.

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Music and mindfulness 

  • Music can connect you to feelings of joy and happiness.
  • Notice how your body feels when you listen to a beautiful piece of music for the first time.
  • Relax and let whatever emotions occur fully rise. Recognize them, name them, and let them be.
  • Create a playlist consisting of different songs that cater to your feelings.

Mindful walking

  • We take so many mindless steps every day that we fail to witness how much joy we can feel by bringing mindfulness to daily tasks.
  • When you stand on the ground, notice the connection of your feet with the floor. Feel the core of your body.
  • Breathe deeply.
  • Practice mindful walking. Lift your right foot with awareness as you inhale. Put it down, heels first, then toes down as you exhale. Shift your weight to the right foot before attending to the other side. Lift your left foot with awareness, breathing in. Put it down, heel first, then place toes down, breathing out. Shift your weight to the right foot. Repeat and slowly walk for at least 10 minutes.
  • Try mindful walking at a regular pace, using your senses. 
  • Witness your mind as you walk.
  • Notice where your attention goes.
  • It is natural for your mind to wander while walking.
  • Bring yourself back to walking with focus and open awareness.

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24-hour mindfulness Night Routine 

  • When you come home in the evening, spend a few minutes putting things in their place with gratitude and love. The act of tidying is rewarding.
  • When you cook your dinner, use those ingredients that nourish your body. Prepare your dinner in the state of love. Your ingredients matter as much as your state while cooking.
  • Smell your food. Eat slowly. Enjoy all the bursts of flavours in your mouth.
  • Wind down an hour before bedtime. Give your mind and body time to let go of the day.
  • Put the electronic devices far away from your bed.
  • Recall your intentions for the day and reflect on how your day went.
  • Appreciate the positive things you did that day and accept and notice how you can improve the negative things.
  • This is the best time to journal.
  • Night showers are the best as they help you wind down.
  • Take a few minutes to connect with your breath, do a body scan and relax all the parts of your body. Pray to the god you feel most drawn to for the welfare of everyone.
  • Show some love. Get cuddly to your partner, your pet or your pillow and end your day with love and relaxing-deep sleep.

This 24-hour mindfulness challenge is just a drop of sweetness to show how you can live fully every day. Practising it will transform your life- take it from me.

Sharing is caring!

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