How To Remove Eyeglasses Naturally Permanently

Remove eyeglasses naturally

Embarking on a journey to bid farewell to those eyeglasses? Welcome to a world where ancient wisdom meets modern vision care – the realm of Ayurvedic tips to naturally enhance your eyesight. In this blog post, we’ll delve into time-honoured practices that not only pamper your peepers but also strive to bring clarity without glasses. Say goodbye to the constant search for misplaced spectacles and join us on a holistic exploration of Ayurvedic secrets to remove eyeglasses naturally. It’s time to see the world through revitalized eyes, naturally.

*Incorporating healthy practices into your routine doesn’t necessarily mean doing everything mentioned in one go. Consistency is the key, and adopting beneficial habits is a great approach. These practices, when followed consistently, have the potential to remove eyeglasses permanently. Trust in the process and give yourself the time and dedication needed to see the benefits of these practices unfold.

Ways to remove eyeglasses naturally 

Sun gazing

  • Sun gazing involves gazing at the sun for 1 to 5 minutes, only within 40-45 minutes of sunrise.
  • Remove glasses or lenses during this practice, and blink if needed.
  • Tearing is a natural response- allow them to flow without rubbing or wiping your eyes.
  • According to Ayurveda, the sun is the best healer for our eyes.
  • Post-gazing, rub your palms until warm and gently place them over your eyes, signalling receptivity to sunlight.
  • Start with 1 minute and gradually progress to 5 minutes, fostering a holistic connection with the sun for potential eye health benefits.

NOTE: Do it only within 40-45 minutes of sunrise. Otherwise, it will have negative results.

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Splashing your eyes

  • Starting your day with a simple ritual can help you remove eyeglasses naturally.
  • Upon waking up, take a mouthful of water. It will expand your eyes.
  • Follow this by splashing your eyes with room-temperature water.
  • This practice is believed to reduce pitta in the eyes, addressing one of the potential causes of poor eyesight.
  • Embracing these gentle morning steps contributes to a refreshing start and supports eye health.

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Drink to improve vision 

  • Combine 7 soaked and peeled Gurbandi almonds, renowned for their richness in oil, vitamin A, E, and more, with 4 black peppers.
  • Pound this mixture and add it to a cup of cow milk, letting it boil for 10 minutes.
  • Afterwards, pour the unstrained milk into a cup and savour it slowly, sip by sip.
  • Ideal for mornings, consume this concoction on an empty stomach, refraining from eating for at least an hour afterwards.
  • This almond and black pepper blend in warm milk offers a wholesome start, packed with potential health benefits.

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Cooling eye packs

Indulge in the refreshing sensation of eye-cooling packs with two favourites:

  • Cucumber Eye Pack: Slice cucumber into thin pieces and place them over your eyes for a cooling session lasting 15 minutes.
  • Gond Katira: Gond Katira, also known as Tragacanth gum, can be used to make an eye mask for its potential cooling and soothing effects. Here’s a simple guide:
  1. Take a small amount of Gond Katira and soak it in water overnight. It will absorb water and swell.
  2. You’ll find the Gond Katira in a jelly-like consistency in the morning.
  3. Gently put it over your eyes.
  4. Leave it on for about 15-20 minutes.
  5. Rinse your face after the specified time.

The cooling effect of eye masks on the eyes triggers a temperature difference in the head, cooling the eyes while maintaining warmth in the surrounding area. This promotes increased blood circulation, aiding in the healing process.

Incorporate an eye-cooling pack into your daily routine, whether in the morning or at night, to remove eyeglasses naturally.

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Eye exercises to remove spectacles

Engage in simple eye exercises that require 10 minutes, ideally in the morning. Ensure that you remove your glasses and lenses before starting, and perform these exercises slowly without rushing:

  • Up and Down Movements:
    • Move your eyes upward and downward without moving your neck. Repeat this motion 10 times.
  • Left and Right Movements:
    • Shift your gaze from left to right, repeating the movement 10 times.
  • Diagonal Movements:
    • Move your eyes diagonally, from top-right to bottom-left and then from top-left to bottom-right. Repeat 10 times for each diagonal.
  • Rotational Movements:
    • Rotate your eyes in a clockwise direction 10 times, then in an anticlockwise direction 10 times.
  • Palming:
    • After the exercises, rub your palms together until warm. Gently place them over your closed eyes, allowing the warmth to soothe them.

These exercises promote eye flexibility and can contribute to enhancing overall eye health.

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20-second blink break

  • Incorporating a 20-second blink break every 30 minutes while working on a computer is a simple yet effective way to care for your eyes.
  • This practice helps prevent eye strain and keeps your eyes lubricated.
  • It’s an adjustment that can make a significant difference in maintaining eye health, especially during extended periods of screen time.

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Break from screen

  • Giving your eyes a break from screens at least one hour before bedtime is a valuable practice.
  • Not only does it help relax tired eyes, but it also contributes to improved sleep quality.
  • Continuous exposure to screens– especially before sleeping can interfere with your natural sleep patterns and hinder the eyes’ ability to rest and rejuvenate.
  • Embracing this screen-free hour before bedtime supports overall eye health and promotes a more restful night’s sleep.

Ayurvedic morning routine


Trataka, a yogic practice, involves focused gazing to enhance concentration and calm the mind. This Kriya requires concentration on a single point, often a candle flame. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Preparation: Choose a quiet, dimly lit room. Sit comfortably in a stable posture, either on the floor with crossed legs or on a chair with feet flat on the ground. Keep your spine straight.
  2. Candle Placement: Place a candle at eye level, about 3 feet away. Ensure that the flame is steady.
  3. Gaze Fixation: Light the candle and focus your gaze on the flame. Keep your head and body still.
  4. Steady Breath: Take a few deep breaths to relax. Maintain a stable and comfortable breath throughout the practice.
  5. Gazing Practice: Gaze at the flame without blinking for as long as possible. Initially, it might be challenging, and your eyes may water.
  6. Blinking: When your eyes water or tire, close them gently. Focus on the after-image of the flame in your mind’s eye (Ajna Chakra, the space between your eyebrows).
  7. Internalization: With closed eyes, concentrate on the mental image of the flame. If the image fades, open your eyes and repeat the process.
  8. Duration: Start with a few minutes and gradually increase the duration as you build tolerance. Aim for 7 minutes.
  9. Closure: After completing the practice, close your eyes and keep them closed for some time. Slowly open them and avoid sudden movements.
  10. Post-Practice: It is beneficial to follow this Kriya with meditation.

NOTE: Remove specs or lenses before attempting Trataka. Additionally, if you experience strain or discomfort, it’s advisable to stop and try again later with shorter durations.

Quick tips to remove eyeglasses naturally 

  1. Avoid Walking Barefoot: It’s linked to weakening eye muscles.
  2. Blink Often: Prevent eye dryness by blinking regularly.
  3. Sleep Environment: Sleep in a dark room to support optimal rest.
  4. Sunglasses: Wear sunglasses, especially during the afternoon, to shield your eyes from harsh sunlight.
  5. Screen Protection: Use a screen guard while working on screens.
  6. Eye-Friendly Foods: Consume foods like Indian gooseberry, carrot, and mung beans.
  7. Avoid Eye Rubbing: Resist the urge to rub your eyes to prevent potential damage and infections.
  8. Avoid Reading While Traveling: Reading on the move can strain your eyes.
  9. Proper Lighting: Work with adequate lighting, and avoid using mobile devices in the dark to protect your vision.

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