Ultimate Ayurvedic Healthy Night Routine

Healthy night routine

Hey, Night Owls and Snooze Aficionados! Ever wonder how to transform your nightly routine from a “snooze fest” to a “snooze fiesta”? Well, you’re in for a treat because I’m about to spill the beans on my ridiculously healthy night routine that makes counting sheep jealous. Grab your PJs and prepare for a rollercoaster ride through Ayurveda and bedtime rituals. Buckle up because we’re about to turn your night from a yawn to a yassss! 

*I take 60-90 minutes to complete this Ayurvedic night routine. I do it because it has improved my sleep quality, leaving me refreshed and energetic the next morning. While I follow it 90% of the time, I understand it might seem overwhelming. Feel free to choose elements that resonate with you and personalize the healthy night routine to align with your preferences and needs.

Best Ayurvedic healthy night routine

10 minutes walk

A brief night walk, just 10 minutes under the moon, is a powerful stress reliever. This serene stroll helps release stress and cools your body by reducing pitta. Embrace the calming influence of the moonlit walk, a simple yet effective ritual to unwind and restore balance in both mind and body.

Skincare routine

A night-time skincare routine goes beyond skin benefits; it’s a rejuvenating ritual, especially after screen-filled days. Splashing your face with water isn’t just about cleansing; it’s a remedy for facial tension, offering relaxation to your eyes and a therapeutic pause before embracing the serenity of the night.

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Drinking warm milk

Indulging in warm milk before bedtime proves beneficial, thanks to its calming properties that aid in preparing the body for sleep. Additionally, it contributes to improved digestion, enhancing overall well-being. I consume cow milk.


I opt for a diffuser over scented candles. I add a few drops of lavender essential oil. Lavender’s calming properties create a serene ambience, aiding the body in relaxation. It’s my preferred way to unwind and enhance the atmosphere.

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Write something 

Challenge yourself to write for just 15 minutes, exploring the vast realms of creativity. Whether it’s a gratitude list, a scripting letter envisioning your desires, a free-flowing brain dump, a poetic expression, or a reflection on your day, the impact of this simple practice can be transformative. Embrace the power of words!

Reading before bed

Immerse yourself in positivity by choosing light and happy reading material before bedtime. Avoid horror, tragedy, or sad romance, as your subconscious mind is vulnerable during sleep. Opting for uplifting content ensures a more serene and restful night, nurturing your mental well-being in the gentle embrace of positive words.

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Foot massage

Indulge in a brief foot massage after washing your feet as part of your bedtime routine. A 2-3 minute massage, focusing on acupressure points, not only promotes relaxation but also induces a light and sleepy sensation, making it a soothing prelude to a restful night’s sleep. It will elevate your healthy night routine.

Prayer or meditation

Devote 5 minutes to either prayer or meditation before bedtime, allowing yourself to ground your energies. This simple practice has a profound impact, enhancing the quality of your sleep and promoting a sense of inner calm as you prepare to embrace the serenity of the night.

*Embrace the simplicity of the 4-7-8 breathing technique for swift and restful sleep. Inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 7 and exhale for 8 through your mouth. Just four cycles of this rhythmic breathing instantly calms the body, ushering in a tranquil state conducive to a peaceful night’s sleep.

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Play mind movie

Harness the power of bedtime visualization by playing a mental movie of your future desires while in bed. Replay this positive reel until sleep embraces you. This practice fosters a tranquil mindset and accelerates the manifestation of your aspirations, turning your dreams into tangible realities more swiftly.

The best direction for sleeping

For optimal well-being, align your sleep direction with the northern hemisphere by placing your head to the south and feet to the north. This positioning harmonizes your body with the earth’s electromagnetic field. Additionally, sleeping on your left side aids digestion, reducing the likelihood of acid reflux. Prioritize these directional choices for a more restful and health-supportive sleep experience.

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A few points for a healthy night routine:

  • Consistent sleep timings- Establishing consistent sleep timings benefits both body and mind, fostering a responsive sleep routine. Over time, this practice forms an internal clock, ensuring automatic adherence to a regular sleep schedule. Conversely, varying your sleep timings by more than an hour can disrupt this established rhythm, compromising the quality of your sleep. Embrace the discipline of consistent sleep timings for a more restful and rejuvenating night.
  • Sleeping before midnight- Prioritize sleeping before midnight for optimal well-being. While deviations from the schedule are understandable, aiming for an early sleep time is beneficial. Every hour of sleep before midnight holds the restorative power of two hours after, maximizing the rejuvenating effects and contributing to overall sleep quality. Cultivating this habit supports a healthier sleep routine and enhances the body’s natural restoration processes.
  • Put away your electronic devices- Bid farewell to electronic devices at least 30 minutes before bedtime to optimize your sleep routine. Research indicates that using electronic devices before sleep can reduce melatonin levels by 50%, disrupting natural sleep patterns. By disconnecting from screens, you allow your body to naturally regulate melatonin, promoting a more restful and rejuvenating night’s sleep.
  • Create a perfect sleep atmosphere- Crafting an optimal sleep environment is the key to preparing both body and mind for restful slumber. Choose loose cotton attire, maintain a temperature between 18 to 24 degrees Celsius (64 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit), ensure a dark room, invest in a quality mattress, and mitigate disruptive noises.

Ayurvedic routine for busy people

  • Eat right- Maintaining a balanced diet is integral for sound sleep. Avoid overeating, ensuring your last meal is well-digested before bedtime. Optimal sleep-inducing foods like almonds, milk, oats, mung beans, paneer, chicken, fish, and eggs are rich in tryptophan. Avoid consuming disruptive elements like black coffee and green tea after 5 pm due to high caffeine content. Similarly, alcohol negatively impacts REM sleep, diminishing sleep quality. Striking the right balance in your eating habits fosters a restful night’s sleep.
  • Do not drink a lot of water- Steer clear of excessive water intake before bedtime to dodge those inconvenient late-night trips to the toilet. Striking a balance ensures a peaceful and uninterrupted night’s sleep, sparing you from disruptions and allowing your body to rest without unnecessary interruptions.
  • Exercise- Optimize your sleep by exercising early in the morning, promoting better sleep quality at night. Avoid late-night workouts because they can leave you too energized to fall asleep. Maintain a 3-hour gap between exercise and bedtime, allowing your body to unwind gradually and facilitating a smoother transition into a restful night’s sleep.

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