How to actually live feminine lifestyle

Feminine lifestyle

So many women work on raising their divine feminine energy without knowing the lifestyle changes they need to make to connect with the Goddess inside. Some necessary changes are required to embrace the Goddess within. It’s only then that one can get into the divine feminine energy. Let’s see how we can live a feminine lifestyle-

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13 practical feminine lifestyle tips

Pay attention to your relationships

Ask yourself the following questions-

  • Are the people who surround me positive or negative?
  • Do I feel heavy after spending time with my friends?
  • Are they influencing me positively by helping me grow in life?

Depending on the answer to the above questions, you will get to know whether you need to continue being with these people or not. Over the years, if you have lost contact with some good friends or family members, try catching up with them. It is crucial to have some wonderful sisters who are also seeking their feminine journey so that you all can embark on this journey together and make space for each other to heal their wounds.

Rearrange your home

Nothing can make you feel more Goddess or queen-like than a beautiful place. Pay attention to decorating your space.
Add a few things that make your place warmer and welcoming. It could be playing with colours, having fluffy pillows or adding beautiful flowers. Ensure that everything is clean and organised. A queen never lives in a dirty palace. Light a few scented candles. It will lighten up your mood and help you connect with yourself by playing with your sense of smell.

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Create two ‘special’ places at your place

Create two areas at your place. One place should be dedicated to your outer beauty, like having a little spa at home and having a specific place where you do your makeup. It is a way of giving love and taking care of this beautiful body that is a gift from the Goddess. Be consistent with your skincare/ beauty routine and enjoy the process of beautifying yourself. It should not be a chore for you.
In the second place, make an alter where you perform your rituals, meditate and worship the Goddess. It should be your space where you do not let others enter. A place where you go to empty yourself and connect with your cosmic mother.

Feminine hobbies

Yes, there are certain activities that help us connect with our feminine energy. Activities like belly dancing, painting, gardening, and baking help us remove ourselves from the fast-paced lifestyle. These activities slow us down and help us connect with our bodies.
They also help us tap into our creative side.

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Feminine style

When it comes to clothes, we have so many options available. Experiment with different styles and colours. The easiest way to feel feminine is by wearing a dress. Always add accessories to elevate your look.
Do not neglect your lingerie. Investing in good lingerie is a way to feel more confident and sensual in your skin.

Take inspiration from others

Notice other feminine women. How they carry themselves, their etiquette, and the way they dress and talk. Learn from other women. Listen to podcasts and read femininity blogs. Doing these simple things will help you improve your feminine lifestyle tremendously in a short period.

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Be in flow with life

Are you someone who likes to work according to the timetable?
It is good to have a schedule, but sometimes, our days do not go according to our plans.
It can be frustrating if you are in your masculine energy and your day does not go your way. Try accepting the situation in whatever form it is presenting itself to you. Learn to be in flow with your life because it will not exactly go according to your plan always.

Have plants around you

If you live in the city area where there aren’t several options to enjoy nature, the best thing you can do is have plants around you. Having indoor plants makes your space look beautiful and alive and helps you tap into the grounding and healing energy.

Shadow work

It will be almost impossible to fully tap into your feminine energy if you do not do shadow work. Start by noticing what triggers you, your past hurt and pain, failed relationships, childhood traumas, and ancestral line. Forgive everyone who has been responsible for your wounds.
The energy released from your healing will help you develop a deeper connection with the Goddess within you.

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Value privacy

Do not post every single detail of your life on social media. Showing too much skin and revealing details about your relationship online is unnecessary and not feminine.
There is a high chance that you will attract attention from the wrong people who do not take you seriously. Know the value of privacy. Share a few moments from your life on social media and leave the rest for people to imagine. It will make you appear more mysterious.

Financial freedom

Living a feminine lifestyle might cost you money. It is good to have a partner who is a good provider, but it is crucial for you as a feminine woman to have a source of income. Being financially independent gives you the freedom to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle and gives you the ability to make difficult decisions for your benefit if a problematic situation arises.


Practising self-love is the most crucial thing if you want a feminine life. Take care of your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. We expect others to love us, and when we do not get love from others, we indulge in self-harming behaviours thinking that we are unworthy of love.
Believe me, when we give love and care to ourselves, we indirectly provide the signal that we are valuable, and that attracts people who pamper us.

How to connect with feminine energy

Be you

There are so many archetypes and inspirations of femininity. Know that it is okay if you feel like you do not fit into any of them. We must learn from others, but know that you can modify everything you see and read according to your personality. Living a feminine lifestyle does not mean that you have to change everything about yourself. The feminine journey is about realising the presence of the Goddess within without losing your persona.

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