How to be more feminine in relationships

Feminine in relationships

Are you unable to keep your man interested for the long term? Does your man pay attention to other women? Are you dissatisfied in your relationship even after being beautiful and successful? It could be because of being in masculine energy. How? Solution? There are ways you can be more feminine in relationships.
It will not only balance both of your energies but will improve your relationship. Let us check out the ways to keep your guy interested forever-

How to be soft and feminine

Ways to be more feminine in relationships

Connect to your heart

Instead of working harder on looking more pretty and skinny, all you have to do is drop down from your head and into your heart.
Being feminine in relationships is about being in your feminine energy, leaning back, and learning how to express your feelings in a way your man can hear.
When you are connected to your heart, you inspire him to connect to his.
It is what makes him feel connected to you. If he can’t connect to you through his heart – he can’t fall in love.
When you learn to express your feelings, it intensifies the attraction your man feels for you, and you also increase your value, self-worth, self-esteem and confidence.

Stop doing things more than required

STOP working so hard to get things the way you want them to be or think they should be. You should not give too much.
Do not work so much that you do not have time for yourself. You do not have to try to make things seem simple. Lean back in your energy.
Let your man lead and do the stuff he is supposed to do.

18 things that destroy your feminine energy

Do not disrespect the masculine

There is a deep need within a man to feel respected. When a man does not feel respected by the woman he loves, he will not be inspired to give his love. You can show your respect in several ways by being polite, not interrupting him when he is speaking, not flirting with other guys and being a good listener. Your words matter, but how you say things also matters.

Appreciate his efforts

What does your man do when you are unhappy? He tries to make you happy. To inspire him to want to give you the love that you require – he needs to know that his efforts are appreciated. When he does anything for you, thank him. Let him know it makes you happy. Even if it is the tiniest thing.

Focus on yourself

We as women have so much habit of giving more than we receive in our relationships that it makes us feel drained with time. Set some time aside for yourself. Make a list of 20 activities that you enjoy doing. Prioritise 30 minutes daily for these activities. You will notice that setting time for yourself will recharge you and make you more joyful, and this vibe will make your man feel more attracted to you.

Reconnect with your femininity

Look your best

Do not let your mental and physical health get affected by your relationship. Some women who look put together during the dating process stop paying attention to how they look after getting into a relationship. Do not let it be you. It makes your man think that you are not interested in him as you were before. Men are more visual creatures- they like what they see. You do not have to look perfect all the time. Just look your best. When you start with the tiniest shift in how you take care of yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually and how you think of yourself – your relationship will transform quickly.

Let him lead

Letting him lead does not mean that you transform yourself into a submissive woman who allows her man to disrespect her values and boundaries.
Let him lead means that you notice the future plans of the man you are interested in. Then let him be in the driver seat of life while you rest and flow in your feminine energy. The most crucial thing to see here is that you should see whether your life plans match his plans. You should know he is not the one for you if he has no plans for your future.

Be vulnerable

A vulnerable feminine spirit can melt the heart of a man. Therefore, a man can not develop a deep emotional connection with a woman if she refuses to bare her soul in relationships. Being vulnerable takes courage, as there’s always a chance that you’ll be misunderstood. Without an emotional connection, most guys will lose interest in you. To build an intimate relationship for the long term, you have to be willing to be more vulnerable with the men who are worthy of your attention.

Have a life of your own

I know when we are in love, we lose track of ourselves but know that your life does not revolve around your man.
Do not stop working on yourself.
Be creative and try different things.
Learn a new hobby and explore different dimensions of life and yourself. Trying new things makes us joyful, and who does not want to be in the company of a fun woman who is much more than her relationship.

25 feminine hobbies

Create space

This might sound odd, but do not be around your man all the time.
If you want to be more feminine in relationships, create space between you and your partner so that he can chase you.
You can use this time to connect to god and the stillness within you, reflect on your life, pamper yourself, go shopping, focus on your hobby and spend time with your feminine community.

Come into your body

When we are constantly in our heads and competing to make our place in the work arena, we fail to connect with our femininity.
Feminine energy is felt when we connect with our bodies. Do breathing techniques, meditation and yoga to connect with the feelings inside your body.

Raise your feminine energy

When we are in our masculine energy, our man feels challenged by us. After being surrounded by masculine energy from other people all day long, all he wants is soft and warm feminine energy. Being in the vicinity of a highly feminine woman, he will feel more manly.
We are told by everyone to be tough and show our emotions if we want to succeed in life. This might be true at some point, but this does not work in relationships. It will repel your man and make his energy out of balance. Raising your energy is the most crucial thing to do in order to be feminine in relationships.
There are a lot of ways to raise feminine energy that you can check out HERE. My favourite is meditation, slow sensual dance, womb breathing and spending time on feminine hobbies.

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