How to become a femme fatale

Become a femme fatale

Deep inside, every woman wants to be the one people cannot resist. But don’t we often lose our heart thinking that such ladies are born with the magic we desire? What if I tell you that even you can become a femme fatale by practising THESE traits? Well, read along to unravel the mystery and become the irresistible lady you have always wanted to be-

How to live a feminine lifestyle

Best ways to become a femme fatale

Add mystery

A femme fatale is a mystery to others- not that easy to comprehend- unpredictable and different from other people. Our minds thirst for certainty, clarity and stability. Therefore, when we meet someone we can not easily understand, our minds work overtime- trying to unravel their mystery. This is why people chase mysterious people– it is one of the things that makes people obsessed with them, and their imagination begins to run all over the place. Doing these things will make you appear more mysterious than ever before-

  • Post less, talk less, and be less available on social media. It’s tough but believes me, it’s totally worth it!
  • When you post, ensure that it is interesting without showing every detail.
  • Be unpredictable to others.
  • Do not be present all the time on every occasion. Sometimes your absence can do what your presence cannot.
  • Conceal your intentions. You do not have to be an open book in front of everyone.
  • Self-praise is no praise. So allow other people to speak highly of you rather than appreciating yourself.

Increase your sensuality 

Sensuality is the most remarkable quality of a femme fatale. Sensuality is about how you feel about yourself and how connected you are to your sexuality. It has nothing to do with how you look or your body size. Most women can not tap into sensual energy because they think it is wrong. Sensuality is something you discover within yourself. Easy ways to become more sensual-

  • Remove all your clothes and lie on your bed. Touch every part of your body; love it; speak positive affirmations to it.
  • Make a list of all the things you like about yourself physically. 
  • Speak slowly and sustain eye contact. Speak with a low vocal tone and be cautious of your words.
  • Work on your posture.
  • Accentuate and draw attention to those features that you love.
  • Try different clothing styles and notice what works according to your body shape.
  • Master the art of pleasuring yourself. Play with all your senses to understand what you like.
  • Invest in beautiful pieces of lingerie.

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Compare yourself with your future self

  • What does the ideal version of myself look like? 
  • How does she speak? Walk? Dress? 
  • How would other people describe her? 
  • If I became this person, what would my life look like?
  • How do people see her? 

To become a femme fatal, visualise yourself living as your future self. Construct a daily routine. Compare your future self with your current self and make necessary adjustments. You can become this version of yourself at any moment. You just have to realise your power.

Invest in yourself

Most women have the habit of giving everything to others. They forget to fill their cup while filling others’. Investing in yourself means putting time, money and resources into becoming a better version of yourself, your life and your future. You can invest in yourself by doing these things-

  • Eliminate the toxic stuff from your life. It includes foods, behaviour and people. 
  • Use affirmations to reprogram your subconscious mind.
  • Replace bad habits with healthy ones.
  • Become selective of how you use your time.
  • Prioritise your physical health.
  • Practise self-loving habits.
  • Read more books.
  • Spend more time with yourself.

All about the dark feminine energy

Look your best

Looking your best has nothing to do with the standards of society. It is all about drawing focus toward your best features. You can do that by:

  • Choosing your hair cut and makeup according to your face shape and undertone of the skin. 
  • Accentuate your favourite facial features. 
  • Take care of your oral health and hygiene.
  • Try wearing tailored clothes.

Do not chase

Stop chasing men. It is a masculine trait. If you do so, it will make him feel disinterested in you. Not chasing a man means not centring your world around him. Not texting first and not planning dates. It means having other options. All these things push men into their masculine energy and make them chase you. They love the process of trying to get what they want. The more difficult it is, the more they will value you.

How to become more feminine in relationships

Have your own life

To become a femme fatale, you must have a life that does not revolve around your man. You lose him when you show that he is your need and your life depends upon him. Keep yourself occupied and give him an idea that he can only add to your life but cannot become your life.

Know your value

If you act like you are the queen, people will believe that, and if you think that you are just an ordinary girl who can never have anyone’s attention, people will believe that. Understand your own value and keep yourself on the pedestal rather than other people. Focus on yourself, your goals and your dreams- it will become your reality. Detach from other people and love yourself so much that you do not allow anyone to impress you so easily. You are the prize.

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Become good at communication

Your desire to become a femme fatale is not just about how you look but also about how you communicate with others. Make them feel that they matter. Show them non-verbal interests like leaning slightly to listen to them and maintaining eye contact while speaking. Give them indirect compliments without showing them your clear intentions. Next time when you meet, maintain the distance. This unpredictable behaviour and mixed signals will leave them confused. They will constantly keep thinking about you.


Now there is a reason why Cleopatra owned a perfume factory. How we smell can make us look fabulous even if we do not realise it. The way we smell lingers in our minds even when we are physically not present. Try different perfumes and select the one that matches your personality the most. Wear it regularly without changing your scents often. It should be YOUR signature scent.

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