18 things that destroy feminine energy

Things that destroy feminine energy

Most of the time, we have no idea why we feel so listless all day long. Been through it? We know something isn’t right, but we fail to point out what is wrong. Our feminine energy is the energy of the goddess within us. There are certain things that we unknowingly do that diminish our femininity. Let us get familiar with the 18 things that destroy feminine energy-

How to connect with feminine energy

Basic things that destroy feminine energy


Stress is one of the main things that destroy our feminine energy.
When we are under stress, we focus more on the outside. It makes us feel disconnected from our bodies and our feminine energy. Try to avoid stressful situations as much as you can. If you tend to overthink and often get stressed out, practise relaxation techniques to feel connected to your body.

Bad language

As a feminine woman, pay attention to the language you use. Avoid using curse words. Ensure that whatever you say is polite. What matters is not only what you say but how you say it.

Poor etiquette and body language

Notice your body language. See whether it is welcoming to people or not. Use words like thank you and sorry whenever required. Do not speak loudly on the phone in public places.

Doing things that you hate

Are you doing anything in your life that you do not enjoy? It could be a particular job or a course being done half-heartedly. The problem is that it snatches away the joyful and playful energy. And this further destroys our creativity and feminine energy.

Traits of a wounded feminine energy

Competing with others

Femininity is not about competing with others. It is about coming together and building communities. Our energy gets depleted when we compare ourselves with others and get jealous without acknowledging the uniqueness of the goddess within ourselves. The only person with whom you should compete is yourself. See the sacrednesses of your journey, and do not belittle it by comparing it with others.

Not having a hobby

Our hobbies help us feel alive and connected with our feminine energy. There are so many feminine hobbies to choose from that make you feel connected and peaceful. When we do not make time for our hobbies, our life keeps getting monotonous. No matter how busy you are, invest at least 15-20 minutes in your hobby EVERYDAY. Notice how much joy it brings!

25 feminine hobbies that you can do


Stop complaining. When we complain and see the negative side of every situation, it takes away our joy.
Life always gives you something positive to be happy about. Focus on the positive stuff. Where focus goes, energy flows. Practice daily gratitude. A thankful heart is a happy heart.

Feeling ashamed of showing your emotions

Emotions are the gifts given to us by life. As a feminine woman, you should always be connected with your emotions. You destroy your feminine energy when you feel ashamed of expressing your emotions fully. Suppressing your emotions can cause both physical and mental problems. Know that there is nothing wrong with showing your emotions, and you should never hide them. Only ensure that you know how to maintain balance and where and when you should express them.

Hesitation in receiving

Feminine energy is receptive energy. When you keep giving everything you have to others, you feel empty and depleted over time. It takes time to become a better receiver because we feel like we do not deserve to receive.
Know your worth. You deserve all the love and the compliments.
So next time someone offers you something, simply accept it with a smile and a grateful heart.

Traits of alpha female

Showing too much skin

It is not elegant to show too much of your skin. Feminine seduction is subtle- it is never too loud. Wearing revealing clothes gives you more attention but from the wrong people. It makes you look desperate for others’ attention. The best way to show your curves without exposing your skin is by wearing clothes that fit your body. You can tastefully show your best assets this way. Gotta leave some things for people’s imagination.

Posting too much

When we post every detail of our life on social media, it takes away the mysterious element of our femininity. You make people lose the desire to know you. They think that they know everything about your life. It is very crucial to keep your life private. Do not show every detail of your life through an Insta story. Nobody needs to know this much, and honestly, nobody cares. Privacy makes people curious, which gives them a reason to want to know more about you.

Depreciating your body

One of the main things that destroy feminine energy is depreciating your body. Our body is a vessel that assists our soul in fulfilling its purpose. It is never meant to be a showpiece for everyone. The sad part is that the media has brainwashed us to see only certain features as beautiful. Nothing is worse than not feeling beautiful in the body that the goddess has gifted you. It is your temple. Know its sacredness.
Take care of it, appreciate it and feed it with a nutritious meal.

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Trying hard

Trying too hard definitely destroys your femininity. Feminine energy is about flowing and receiving. When you try harder for things, it makes it difficult to manifest and depletes your energy. The best thing you can do is take action whenever required and then let go of the attachment with the outcome.

Sloppy appearance

Beauty is one of the traits that represent femininity. When we do not keep ourselves well-groomed, it diminishes our energy. Keep yourself clean. Focus on maintaining your hygiene. Remember that when you pull yourself together and treat yourself well, others will also treat you that way.


Stop wearing and tearing your body, and do not overwork yourself. When we constantly work, it takes away the time we need to invest in ourselves for our self-care routine. The best way is to become a pro in managing your time to have a balanced life.

Awaken the sacred feminine in you

Not knowing the value of silence

When surrounded by constant background noises and gossiping, we become disconnected from the silence within. The problem is that it makes us feel disconnected from our feminine intuition. Not being connected with our intuition can make us take wrong decisions, which we might regret later in life. Spend some time of your day in silence when you take time to connect with the goddess within you.
It might feel odd initially, but this connection will gradually come naturally to you.

Lack of confidence

No matter how beautiful you are, it is all waste if you do not have confidence. You will have this insecure and awkward energy around you that will diminish your feminine appeal greatly. The best tip to feel confident is by feeling that you own whichever place you are at. Doing this will instantly shift your energy.

Being fake feminist

Standing for your rights is different from the ‘why can’t we become as strong as men’ mindset.
If you think of becoming as strong as men, you have not understood the strength of us women. Get clear with your intentions and know what you are standing for.

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