13 Monsoon tips for skin

Monsoon tips for skin

The needs of our skin change along with the change in season. Taking care of the skin during the rainy season can be tricky. Sometimes our skin gets oily and sticky, while other times- it gets dry and itchy. No matter what your problem is, these monsoon tips for skin will solve them all-

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13 Monsoon tips for skin

Wash your face

It is recommended to clean your face using a cleanser twice daily. Washing your face more than two times can make your skin drier. Because of the moisture present in the surroundings during the rainy season, our skin tends to get more oily.
If your skin produces too much oil, it is better to wash your face more than twice rather than letting sebum stay on your skin and cause breakouts. Carry blotting paper with you and use it if you do not want to wash your face.

Exfoliate your skin

It is mandatory to exfoliate your skin at least once a week during the monsoon season to get rid of dead skin cells or any buildup on your skin. You can use physical or chemical scrub for exfoliating your skin but ensure that you use light pressure with your hands while scrubbing, and do not scrub your face more than once a week.
It is crucial to exfoliate not only your face but your entire body.

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Shower twice

Due to more humidity during the monsoon season, it is easier to have skin infections. This makes taking a shower twice a day crucial during the rainy season.
Ensure that you pour water infused with neem leaves or a few drops of tea tree oil to keep the bacteria at bay at the end.

Use a lightweight moisturiser

Monsoon is when you ditch all your heavy creams and switch to using a lightweight moisturiser. It will gently hydrate your skin without making your skin breakout during the monsoon.
My favourites are hydrating serums that easily get absorbed by the skin or gel-based creams.

Clay mask

The best way to control monsoon acne is to use a clay mask 2-3 times a week.
To detoxify your skin thoroughly, take facial steam before applying the mask. Doing this will control the sebum production, dry out the pimples and absorb dirt from your pores.

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Remove body hair

Body hair traps sweat that can cause bacterial growth. Therefore, it is preferable to remove it during the monsoon season. You can use any method to remove your body hair like epilating, waxing, shaving and laser.
After removing the hair, mix a few drops of tea tree oil into your regular moisturiser and apply it all over your body to keep the tiny bumps at bay and calm down your irritated skin after hair removal.


One of the most unpopular monsoon tips for skin is how we provide nourishment to our bodies.
Avoid eating outside and try to cook your meals at home. During the rainy season, the food tends to get spoiled very quick. Consume a lot of seasonal fruits, vegetables, cereals and coconut water.
Drink a lot of water and fresh juices to keep your body hydrated. It is the best way to tackle dry skin during monsoon.

Monsoon makeup tips

It is best to use light or no makeup during the rainy season.
Apply primer before makeup and setting spray after makeup.
Use waterproof makeup.
Do not use any expired products.
Ensure that all your makeup tools are cleaned before you use them.

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Tomato face mask

If your skin becomes oily during the monsoon, definitely try this remedy! Take half a tomato and rub it on your skin in a circular motion for 2 minutes. Leave it on your skin for 10 minutes before washing it off. Tomato is a natural astringent that reduces excess sebum production and combats greasiness.

Green tea or neem

It is not uncommon to get itchy skin during the rainy season. To remove itchiness from your skin in monsoon, take boiling water and put green tea/ neem powder or neem leaves in water. Let it steep for 5 minutes, and then apply it all over your face using a cotton pad. Wash your face with water after the green tea-infused water is absorbed into your skin. Both green tea and neem have antibacterial and antioxidant properties that remove itchiness.


One might think it is unnecessary to apply sunscreen in monsoon because of the cloudy weather.
There is no season to not apply sunscreen. It is highly crucial to protect your skin. Use mattifying sunscreen to protect your face and your body. Spray, powder and gel-based sunscreens are best for the rainy season.

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Notice your skin

One of the best monsoon tips for skin is to notice your skin. See what your skin needs. Is it dry, oily or itchy?
If your skin is oily and itchy, use lemon, tomato, green tea, and gram flour in your face mask.
If your skin feels dry, try including milk, honey, and oats in your face mask.

Do not touch your face

It is our natural tendency to wipe off the sweat from our faces. And what about poking pimples? But this is a stern warning. No matter how tempted it makes you, stay away from touching your face. Our palms come in contact with many things throughout the day, and when these unclean hands come in contact with our face, we spread the bacteria on our face that can worsen the skincare issues. Use blotting paper to absorb extra facial oil, and never poke pimples. You can definitely give spot treatments or pimple patches a try.

I assure you that these monsoon tips for skin will gift you flawless skin!

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