How to become pro at feminine art of receiving

Feminine art of receiving

What do you say when someone compliments you? Do you give them a compliment in return or say something like- well, I am not sure. The ‘I am not sure’ team- gather up! It’s time to change. Receiving is one of the crucial aspects of feminine energy. The resistance in you stands as the worst barrier between your dreams and reality. Let’s bid goodbye to it! Given below are the practical things that you can do to master the feminine art of receiving-

The Feminine one is the holder of space. She is receptive, while the masculine is the provider and the giver. She rests in her own power and receives from the masculine one biologically and energetically.

Which feminine archetype are you

Feminine art of receiving

Start with the little things:

If the ‘receptive you’ is lost, start by receiving one small thing. You will not be any less than who you are if you ask for help. When someone compliments you, do not feel unworthy. Say a ‘thank you’ with a smile.

Practise gratitude 

If you are facing problems bringing your manifestations to reality, you have not turned on your receptive mode.

Practising gratitude is a simple yet powerful practice. Notice when you say thank you. It is when you receive something you have always wanted. Feeling gratitude for small things in life creates a space for receiving more significant manifestations.

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You do not owe anything: 

We have the tendency to give when we receive. Giving is not wrong. A proper balance between giving and receiving has to be there to maintain the flow. The problem is feeling uncomfortable while receiving. You do not always have to return the favour. According to the feminine art of receiving, receiving is not equal to owing anything to anyone. 

Sometimes all you need to do is- SURRENDER and RECEIVE.

Not everyone is after you: 

We tend to feel that people do us a favour because they want something in return later. Having such a mindset blocks our receptive energy. Yes, some people harbour not-so-positive intentions, but that does not mean everyone who does a favour wants something in return. Rather than judging people negatively, see the good in everyone. Stop generalising people.

Set a clear boundary towards people with not-so-good intentions. When you see them crossing it, distance yourself from them.

How you can live a feminine lifestyle

Let go of control

We are here to help each other and grow. You can not do everything by yourself and control everything. Sometimes it is better to let go of the rigid way of handling life. When we think we are alone in this world,  we try to do everything by ourselves. Having this mindset blocks our receiving energy. The best thing you can do is bring little ease into your life. Try becoming more vulnerable and understand that we rely on each other to grow individually and collectively.

Feminine art of receiving meditation 

It is one of my favourite meditations to connect to the receiving energy. Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Visualise white light coming from the universe and going into the earth through your body, removing the dark energy and all the blockages. Say to yourself-‘ I am beautiful’. See this compliment penetrating and being fully received by all the cells of your body. In this manner, give yourself five compliments every day. At first, you might feel your body resisting. 

When you feel uncomfortable, relax your body. Put your palms on your heart and feel your heart chakra opening and receiving compliments. 

This simple exercise will help you master the art of receiving.

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Work on your feminine energy:

When a woman is tapped into her masculine energy or has a work culture where she can not express her femininity, she will show more resistance toward receiving. The best thing you can do is find ways to raise your feminine energy and practise them when you are not working.

It is the nature of the feminine to rest in her own power and receive.

Practising switching from masculine energy to feminine energy will make you more open and receptive. 

Make yourself your priority: 

Women learn from society to become selfless and give themselves physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally even when they do not get anything in return. When they constantly give, it makes them feel unworthy of receiving. Pouring for others but themselves depletes their feminine energy, because of which they feel empty.

Being selfless and putting your energy into your loved ones is not a problem, but do not neglect yourself. Take care of yourself first. Devote some time during the day to do the activities that you love. Stop overworking. According to the feminine art of receiving, you are worthy and deserve all the love, care and abundance. So next time, when you spend your energy for the good of others, ensure that you first invest in yourself.

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You are not an inconvenience: 

Whenever people offer help, we decline by thinking of ourselves as an inconvenience. It is not the case, especially when the other person initiates.

You want help, and they are willing to provide it, so stop thinking of yourself as a burden to others. 

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