With the rise of the Divine feminine energy within you, everything will change in your life. All your struggles will subside. Success will get easier. Money will begin to flow, relationships will get stronger and fulfilled. There will be no pushing, no forcing. Everything will be in the flow.
It will be the beginning of living out loud, on purpose and as the truth of who you are.
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9 ways to increase the Divine feminine energy-
- When divine feminine energy awakens within you, it will bring you to your knees. All the old paradigms on which you have built your entire life will be shattered.
- You will dance with your shadow.
- The old you will die, the new you will be born.
- Make it a practice to say yes to your pain and sadness.
- Say ‘Yes’ to your loneliness.
- ‘Yes’ to the feelings that creep in and make you feel less than you are.
- Say yes to ALL parts of you.
- Stop abandoning yourself.
- Stay with yourself when you are in pain.
- Pain can be an enormous gift.
- Earlier I think I was doing everything to not feel my pain- gratitude, yoga, eating healthy but now, I have realised that it’s not the way.
- Whether it be clubbing or watching your favourite tv series, turning away from pain creates more pain.
- What you resist persists.
Repeat this loving statement to your pain:
- I am here.
- You are in safe hands.
- It is normal to feel like this.
- You are always protected by your angels.
- What are you trying to teach me?
- I am open and receptive to my answers.
- Make space for your pain. It is a part of self-love.
Emotion is simply energy in motion.
The more we allow ourselves to relax and feel and let the emotions flow, the faster our bodies will be able to move through the pain.
Allow yourself to be fully open to it, receive it, feel it and let it flow.
Pain has its own purpose.
We must come into resonance with ourselves before anything shifts.
If you give a blind eye to who you are, where you are, what you do and why you are here, you are wasting your energy by being at war with yourself.

- The second piece of advice I would give is to dance! Get your body moving, express it in ways that do not make sense.
- Get out of your zone where you want to be perfect all the time. Be okay with being weird.
- Being perfect all the time and trying to do everything meticulously will not help us here.
- Forgive yourself and others no matter what has happened in the past.
- Every day is a new day.
- When you are out on the dance floor, think of yourself as one of the 5 elements(air, water, fire, sky/space, earth).
- Just remember that you are in the flow.
- So as you move in, your dance is the way you move through your life – your thoughts, your feelings, your breath, your body, the way you treat yourself.
- There is no perfect step.
- Move according to your body with the beat.
- During the dance, bring up the emotions you want to let go of and welcome beautiful feelings. Dance like the masculine and feminine- The Shiva and The Shakti.
- Notice your passions and your wounds. They are the keys to your purposes.
- When your body, mind, and spirit are all working together in unified action, these are the moments that will give you clues as to why you are here.
- Resonate with the Holy Wild side of you, the divine feminine within you, yogic practices, witchcraft, crystals, tantric practices, mantra chanting, singing bowls to examine your spiritual beliefs. Do not let your spirituality confine you in any way.
- Do not make your spirituality and sexuality separate from each other when they are never meant to.
- Pray with your whole body, and let your spirit dance to the beat of your heart every day.
- Spending some time with nature is so grounding.
- Being in natural surroundings, connecting with animals, trees, water and all of the things that nature provides us.
- I think that is one of the best ways to get back to our core.
- Start by reconnecting physically with nature.
- The Divine Feminine exists in the beauty of nature.
- Hug the trees and try to connect with the roots of the trees.
- If you can open your heart to nature, it is easier to open your heart to other people.
- Whenever I am in nature, I like to spread my vibration to everything that surrounds me( plants, grass, trees, animals) and feel it coming to me multiplied.

- Always try to meditate for at least 20 minutes a day.
- I am constantly amazed by the power of meditation.
- Appreciate and have gratitude for life because of everything it has taught you.
- I love goddess mantra meditations. They are so beneficial in raising the Divine feminine energy. During mantra chanting, I like to call in her attributes and love into myself.
- You are the author of your life.
- All you have to do is to be aware of the powers within you.
- You can always choose to become who you want to be.
- You reach your full potential when you are connected to your Divine being of love and light.
- It feels so empowered when we stay connected from within. Everything you need in your life is already within you.
- Slowly, little by little, when you change the low-frequency thoughts of fear, resistance, comparison, doubt and envy to high-frequency thoughts of love, gratitude, leadership, contribution and joy, you will begin to see changes taking place outside your life.
- At any time, you have the power to recreate your story by choosing what narrative you want to lead from.
- Rituals are a valuable part of my life.
- They create a sense of oneness.
- I build a new altar, light a candle, burn incense, turn on calming music, sit in silence and listen to mother Gaia talk to me.
- I take my journal and write without thinking about whatever comes to my mind.
- Releasing it out onto paper, allowing the words to freely flow from my soul.
- This practice really creates balance within me.
- Ritual is a powerful way for us to learn positive intention setting followed by positive action.
- Before offering your energies, focus, and intentions to the Goddess, clear yourself. You can do so through incense, meditation, or crystals. It will really enhance your focus.
- I think when we reach out to Goddess, she reaches back. Whenever we ask a question, there is an answer.
- All we have to do is pay attention and be open to the answer. The answers come in surprising and wondrous ways.
- Follow what is aligning with you.
- We want to be active. We want to keep moving forward to reach our goals.
- For that, we require masculine energy.
- In order to reach our potential, we need receptive, relational, intuitive and dark energy, which is feminine.
- We are constantly bombarded by the idea of what beauty should look like, what success is actually, which body is perfect. Somehow along the way, mother earth’s sacred soil has become just ‘dirt’.
- We still carry the fear of witch-burning in our DNA and do not want to be targeted, raped or murdered.
- We have suppressed our own magic and have become frightened of our power and potential.
After repeatedly hearing:
- Do not wear that.
- Do not show men how smart you are.
- Why are you laughing so loudly?
- You are dreaming way too much.
- You are just a girl.
- Do not go alone.
It became okay for us to play small with time.
Life is meant to be lived in its entirety.
You can not honour masculine parts of you and not experience feminine energy considering it weak.
Nothing is good or bad. Everything that is you- all parts of you are sacred.
Awakening Divine Feminine energy is about experiencing everything fully, honouring your cycles, life stages and loving and respecting yourself.

- When I started my Divine feminine journey, the first thing I found was a book- ‘Women who run with the wolves.”
- After reading it, I felt like I was not living fully.
- Over time I found others like me who felt exactly the same way. It is fantastic to be in a support group that helps us connect quickly after losing track.
- Reading the article like the one you are reading now, exploring books and becoming part of communities that speak the language you want to hear is the best thing ever.
- There is strength in collective vibration.
Find support, find inspiration, find wisdom, and find your divinity.
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How to start your Divine feminine journey- HERE
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