Feminine journey

It was January 3rd. Jenny was celebrating her 32nd birthday. She has everything – money, looks, relationship, kids but somehow always finds herself with the feeling of not being enough. Jenny has never felt complete within herself. She is always trying to make things perfect and is usually too busy taking care of her family and business. Jenny is grateful for everything in her life, but she wonders- Why does she never feel herself in flow with life and often feels unhappy and drained? If this somehow resonates with you also or you have desire to begin your feminine journey, then keep on reading-

Birth of a masculine woman- 

Recently, the structure of our society and economy has become more convenient for the masculine to fit into this structure. Thus, to become successful, women have started acting in more of a masculine manner. Unfortunately, this is causing disbalance not only on our planet but also within ourselves.

Why should you start your feminine journey?

You should start your feminine journey if you are-

  • Feeling frustrated and dissatisfied even after having all the external success:
    You might have everything you think is required to make people recognise you as successful.
    You may have the perfect financial and relationship goals; all the possible brands you desire but still have a feeling of lack and disconnectedness.
  • Unable to connect with your child:– Giving birth doesn’t mean you have become a mother. If you are not filled with love from within and don’t nurture and respect yourself, how can you give it to your child?
  • In a toxic relationship:– When we don’t know who we are and try to find ourselves through new relationships, we tend to come across people who themselves don’t know who they are. Thus, we end up creating a ‘TOXIC RELATIONSHIP’.
  • Always having the feeling of unrest:-Not feeling enough; feeling that you have to get somewhere, be something, or look like someone else in order to really enjoy life.
  • Unable to connect with yourselves:– When it’s difficult for you to find a link with everything around you and recognise beauty, satisfaction and sacredness in everything.
  • Having eating disorders, weight issues or any other problems:– Disbalance in life manifests as dis-ease.

What does the feminine journey mean?

First of all, several women mistake femininity in terms of their outer appearance. However, the feminine journey is so much more than that. The feminine journey starts from within. It is about embodying divine feminine energy. 

Feminine energy has nothing to do with what you look like or even your gender. It is the whole another dimension without which everything becomes lifeless -it’s as if there is no beauty, no creativity and no love.

How to start your divine feminine journey?

You can begin your feminine journey by following these steps-

  • Inside:- It starts when you go skin deep and start connecting with your own body. How do you feel in every situation or when you are with someone? Is your body at ease or constricted? Are you at peace or, you have a feeling of unrest? We don’t think just with our mind but with our entire body. When we are always on the run to finish everyday tasks or when we try to run away from our own feelings, we get tapped into our masculine energy. Feminine energy is the feeling energy. You can begin connecting with yourself by doing meditation; being conscious about your own feeling and bodily reactions, through breathwork and going for a nature walk.
  • Mentor:- When you are starting your feminine journey, it’s better to have a mentor or a role model so that they can make this journey lucid. Surround yourself with women who themselves are on the same path. Surrounding yourself with the collective feminine energy is really helpful until it becomes a part of you. Now for the mentor, you don’t have to go to school or enrol in some course. You can get involved in all that, but I think that watching youtube videos on femininity and reading books or blog posts like the one you are reading right now😉 should be enough if you are just getting started.
  • Affirmation:- We are programmed to believe and say things about ourselves that are not true at all. We don’t recognise our own potential and end up looking at ourselves through the lens other people use to see us. Setting our daily intention, speaking affirmations and feeling them as absolute truth will be so beneficial in our transformation.

    Affirmations for women-

  1. I am grateful to be living in this divine female body.
  2. I appreciate the female cycles that my body experiences.
  3. Everywhere I go, I attract joy and happiness.
  4. I can powerfully attract what I want.
  5. I open my mind and heart to the perfect love of God/Spirit/the Universe.
  • Self-care: As women, we are always so busy taking care of others and giving love to them that we hardly ever bother treating ourselves the same way. Not giving love and care to our own self can really deplete us. Try to schedule a spa day, massage day; do daily exercises, feed your body with the proper nutrition it needs, keep yourself hydrated, only let seeds of beautiful and positive thoughts take root in your mind. Loving and nurturing ourselves will provide a signal to our body and mind that we deserve love and are valuable. It will start a different cycle where rather than getting depleted, you will get replenished.
  • Morning routine: Try to wake up at least 20 minutes before your usual time. Use this time to really connect with your own self and your surroundings. Rather than attacking your mornings, slow yourself down and try to get in the flow and rhythm of your life and body.
  • Posture: There are researches on how our posture affects our mood. Having a proper and upright posture will help you enhance your confidence level and joy. You will also feel more elegant and beautiful.
  • Surroundings: Our surrounding affects us consciously or unconsciously. If you have decided to take on the feminine path, look for the painting and show-pieces around you and see if they support you on your journey. Incorporate more feminine colours and aromas in your surrounding.
  • Finance: It’s necessary to have financial stability. Not only will you have some money to invest in yourself, but you will also be at peace. Having unstability in life, living paycheck to paycheck and having a mindset of lack is not what we want. Financial instability will put you in the survival mode where you constantly think about making a living and not living a life that will hinder your feminine journey.
  • Creativity: feminine energy is creative energy. Start bringing creativity to your everyday tasks. You can cook in a different way, dress differently and can even create a painting. See how being creative around the house can have a positive effect on you and your relationships.
  • Unlearning: Feminine journey is not very easy because it involves unlearning the patterns and beliefs on top of which you have built your entire life. When you let the divine goddess energy rise within you, it might ask you to leave your present job or relationship or even your surroundings if they are not serving you. The key here is to listen carefully and then, taking each step slowly so that you don’t get overwhelmed and anxious.
  • Study Yourself: Get to know about your own body, sexuality, sexual organs, womb, menstrual cycle. It often comes as a shock for me to see women who lack information about their body parts, what they should do and what they should eat to keep themselves healthy.
  • Connecting: Feminine journey blesses us with so much wisdom, but when we involve and get connected with our spiritual guides, goddesses, female ancestors because of whom we are here and help them guide us for our journey, it’s then that the real magic unfolds and you will realise that you were suppressing these beautiful gifts which were already within you.
  • Sisters: You can definitely start your feminine journey on your own, but having your own group of wonderful women together with you can make your journey even better. Having a group that inspires us, helps us heal and cleanses our old wounds, helps us connect with feminine energy and meditate together wouldn’t be such a blessing?

The feminine journey is the journey towards who we are. You might be uncomfortable at first and mess up things or feel frustrated a lot of times. Your transformation might take up some time but don’t give up on yourself because you deserve all the time you need for your homecoming.

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