Ultimate smokers’ lips treatment at home

Smokers lips

Are you looking for ways to get rid of ‘smokers’ lips?’ You are at the right place. These are the best home remedies to get rid of the darkness on the lips caused by smoking.

Why do our lips turn dark because of smoking?

Our skin contains a pigment called melanin that gives colour to our skin. When we sit under the sun, our skin produces melanin to protect the skin from the UV rays. In the same way, through smoking, we take in a lot of harmful chemicals; our lips produce melanin as a defence mechanism which causes pigmentation on the lips (smokers’ lips) when we smoke.

Smokers’ lips remedies-

Lip scrub

For this you need-

  • 1 tsp brown sugar
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder
  • Almond oil

Take brown sugar and cinnamon powder in a bowl. Add enough almond oil until you get a paste-like consistency. Massage this scrub on clean lips in a circular motion for 2-3 minutes. Then wash it off. You can store this scrub in the refrigerator for a few weeks and use it 3 to 4 times.
This lip scrub might cause a burning sensation on your lips, which is due to cinnamon as it brings blood flow to your lips and makes them look plumper.

Sugar removes dead skin from our lips and helps bring moisture back into them. Cinnamon powder improves blood circulation and makes our lips look plumper. Almond oil has nourishing properties that lock up the hydration on our lips.

Lip mask

  • 1 tsp fresh milk cream
  • ( if you do not have fresh milk cream, you can use yoghurt )
  • 1/2 tsp Beetroot juice

Mix both Beetroot juice and fresh milk cream/ yoghurt in a bowl and apply it on your lips after using the scrub. Wash the lip mask after 10- 15 minutes.

Milk cream contains lactic acid, which exfoliates our lips and nourishes them. Beetroot juice fights pigmentation from smoking.

Lip massage

  • 1/2 tsp ghee
  • Two threads of saffron

In a bowl, take ghee ( make sure it is warm and melted ). Put saffron into the ghee and mash it with a spoon until you see the mixture turning yellow. You can use it to massage your lips for 3-4 minutes in a circular motion after the lip mask. If you decide to skip using the lip mask, you can directly apply it after the scrub.
Wipe the mixture off your lips with a wet cloth after 30 minutes.

Ghee contains phospholipids that are beneficial in keeping our lips hydrated. When mixed with saffron, it helps bring out the original colour of our lips.

Lip lightening sheet mask

You can use this mask anytime you want. Just make sure that you apply it to clean lips. For this you need-

  • 10 Cotton pads
  • Potato juice
  • Mint juice
  • Cucumber juice

In a bowl, mix freshly prepared juice of- potato, mint and cucumber. Soak cotton pads in it and store them in the fridge. Whenever you want to use it, take one cotton pad from the refrigerator and put it on your clean lips for 10- 15 minutes. Make sure that you hydrate your lips properly after using it.

Mint leaves contain salicylic acid that is great for cell growth and repair. It is one of the best remedies for pigmented or smokers’ lips. Cucumber has 96% water content, making it great for hydrating the skin. It also boosts circulation. Potato contains vitamins A, B, and C that helps in keeping our skin youthful and healthy. It helps get rid of dark lips from smoking, as it is gentle on the skin and has skin brightening properties.

Morning mask

It is the lip mask you can use before you hop into your shower.
For this you need-

  • 1 tsp instant coffee
  • 1.5 tsp honey

Mix both honey and coffee in a bowl. Apply it on your lips for 5 minutes before you take a shower. Follow up with a lip balm that contains SPF.

Honey helps moisturize and lighten your lips and protects them from infection and chapping. The caffeine in coffee rejuvenates the lips by making them flush with colour.


  • The best thing you can do is stop smoking.
  • Keep your lips and body hydrated all the time.
  • Use SPF even on your lips.
  • Use natural lip products. Give your lips a break from the cosmetics often.
  • Consume a balanced diet.

DIY lip balm

We use so many lip balms without looking at the ingredients. Most lip balms contain harmful chemicals, artificial colours and fragrances, which cause damage to our lips in the long run. Some lip products even have chemicals that make our lips drier and pigmented.
It is one of my favourite lip balm recipes.
To prepare it, you need-

  • 1 tsp grated beeswax
  • 2 tsp shea butter
  • 1 tsp coconut oil
  • 2 tsp sweet almond oil
  • Five drops of rose essential oil
  • Five drops of Beetroot juice

Start the double boiler on medium heat. Once it reaches a boil, reduce the heat to simmer. Place the beeswax and shea butter on top of the double boiler and cover. Simmer until melted, stirring occasionally. Add coconut oil and stir until melted.
To preserve the beneficial nutrients, do not overheat.
Remove from heat; take the top pan off the double boiler, and dry with a towel so that no water drips into the melted butter. Add the sweet almond oil. Next, stir in the Beetroot juice and rose essential oil.
Pour the mixture into the jars. Cover with a plastic wrap and leave it undisturbed for 4 hours or overnight.
If the mixture hardens too much before you can pour it, gently melt it again in the double boiler.
Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight. The shelf life of this lip balm is one year.
To use, remove a small amount from the jar with your fingertip and spread it onto your lips.

Shea butter, sweet almond, coconut oil, and beeswax form a perfect barrier to protect your lips from drying by making them super soft and kissable. The Beetroot juice in it will give it a beautiful colour and help you to remove dark lips from smoking.

Overnight lip mask

Use it just before bedtime to wake up with soft and supple lips.
For this you need-

  • 4 Vitamin e capsules
  • Beetroot juice

Extract the vitamin E oil from the capsules into the bowl. Add a few drops of Beetroot juice to it and mix it properly. You can apply it after the lip balm or in place of a lip balm.

Vitamin E on lips promotes cell turnover and regeneration. Beetroot juice will give your lips a beautiful tint.

These natural remedies for ‘smokers’ lips’ might look simple, but they are highly efficient. Even though all the ingredients used here are neutral, make sure you do a patch test before applying anything. I am sure these DIY recipes will make your lips like before.


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