7 ways to use water element to awaken inner Aphrodite

Water element

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As the legend says, Goddess aphrodite arose from the ocean, leaving everyone mesmerised with her beauty. Wherever her feet touched the ground, a flower bloomed. Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty. If you want to connect with her energy and awaken your inner water goddess, these simple tricks are for you.

The Mystery of Water element-

  • Water is one of the most mysterious elements. It makes up the oceans, rivers, ponds and our bodies. Water is present in our blood, sweat, tears, and mother’s milk. Just as life first evolved in the sea, the zygote develops in amniotic fluid.
  • Every creature is connected to the Water element.
  • Both feminine energy and moon energy are associated with it.
  • It is associated with feeling. Emotions flow just like water, following their own path. They run deep; they are mysterious; and are not visible on the surface.
  • Emotions bring forth our hidden secrets like sunken treasure.
  • Our menstrual cycle and childbirth are both linked to the moon and water.
  • And, this makes water the most feminine of elements. Water is also associated with dreams, subconscious, altered states, vision, and transformation.
  • Too much water makes us overwhelmed, sensitive to emotional states and weepy. It makes us feel caught up in the waves or trapped in self-pity.
  • Too little water brings discomfort within ourselves, a lack of joy and comfort. It makes our life dry, without pleasure.

Feeling the water-

  • If you live near a water body, go to it.
  • If not, just pay attention to the water in your bath and the water you drink.
  • Feel the properties of water-the coolness of it, its depth, how it flows, its power to cut through mountains and drown everything in it
  • Even when the surface is agitated, feel the peacefulness of the ocean.
  • Connect with those qualities. Feel the energy of water in your body. Bring it into all the cells of your body-that feeling of comfort, relaxation and ease.
  • It is so easy for us to get caught up in our lives and lose the feeling of ease. Whenever we get uptight and agitated because of people around us or work pressure, our water energy gets diminished.
  • In such situations, take a break from whatever you are doing and feel the qualities of water. Let your life unfold in its own way while you remain at peace.
  • Even if you do not have a water body around you, no worries. The elemental energy is everywhere- even our body is made up of water.
  • With this practice, you will soon become acceptable to everything that life has to offer.

Womb water

For this practice, take a glass of water. Imagine that this water is blessed by the goddess aphrodite. If you have the aphrodite statue at home, keep it in front of her for 5 minutes; ask her to fill it with love. The water is now transformed into the unconditional love tonic. Sit on the ground. Keep one hand on your womb and, with the other hand, drink the water slowly, feeling the blessing and love from the goddess filling your womb. After that, feel the love and coolness of water in your womb. Feel that the blessed water is moving into every cell of your body from your womb.

The flow

This is a quick practice through which you can feel the water goddess’s energy any time of the day. Feel the presence of a pink cloud above your head. Imagine the rain coming off the cloud filling you with unconditional love and beauty. Form a ball filled with water in front of your womb. You can do it by bringing your hands together as if you are holding the ball. Feel the characteristics of water in this ball and infuse it with your desire or manifestation.
Play with this ball, move it around and then put it inside your womb.

Spiritual bath

Every day we are so busy that we shower without actually feeling the water. Water energies are very cleansing and healing. While showering, feel the cleansing power of water- let go of the dirt physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Prepare a spiritual bath for yourself. Add flower petals and essential oils to your bathwater.
Charge the bathwater using crystals. My favourites are rose quartz and moonstone.
If you have the chance of washing yourself in rain or waterfall, it is even better.

Moon power

You can imagine the power of the moon by seeing how it can make the tides in the ocean rise. Most of our body is made of water. When we spend time under the moonlight, especially during the full moon, the water inside our bodies also rises.
Our emotions, feelings and blocked energy also rise with this rising water. THIS is what you need you clear from your system for further growth.
I also keep rose water, drinking and bathing water under the full moon.

The ancient trick to spice up your relationship using the water element-

Water represents feminine energy; fire represents masculine energy. Water and fire are almost exact opposites. Fire feels supported by the water element because of the great ideas and new beginnings that water brings.
Water enjoys the excitement, warmth, and love that fire brings.
Once you balance your water element and tune into your water goddess energy, you can promote harmony by allowing the masculine fire to feel a sense of freedom. Fire can then take time to slow down and enjoy some mellow activities with water, which will make you feel seen and acknowledged. This technique will only work if your inner elements are balanced. And, if they are, prepare yourself for the relationship you have always wanted with your partner!


Stretch, move and shift your energies so that they do not get stuck. Start with gentle breathing and slight movement.
Practice slow and fluid movements, as in Tai Chi and sports like surfing and swimming. Even when you walk, feel the flow in your steps.

Include these foods in your diet-

  • Watermelon
  • Apples
  • Berries
  • Unrefined olive oil
  • Garlic
  • Cauliflower
  • Ginger root
  • Juniper berry
  • Parsley leaf

You will definitely experience the awakening of your inner aphrodite or your inner water goddess. These tricks are simple yet effective. The magic of elements will not only fill your life with beauty but will also transform your relationships.

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