7 Heart chakra healing techniques to fill you with love

Heart chakra healing

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Here sit betrayal and the most profound of love; here sits the ability to heal and help everyone. It is here that compassion rises for all people in all places across time. IT IS THE ANAHATA. The heart chakra connects one with oneself; it cultivates joy, self-love, and compassion. The simple techniques mentioned here will help you with heart chakra healing. Most importantly, it will help you initiate a connection with this energy of love within you, so you may open into the wisdom it holds.

Anahata manages the heart, circulatory system, blood, lungs, rib cage, breasts, shoulders, arms, diaphragm and oesophagus. Illnesses related to this chakra include- problems related to the heart, lungs, breasts, pericardium, ribs, asthma, cancers, pneumonia, thoracic spinal issues and issues with the thymus, upper back, and shoulders.

What happens when your heart chakra is out of balance?

Deficiencies in the Anahata energy centre include the inability to forgive, loneliness, lack of empathy and self-love, apathy, indifference, and becoming aimless. Excess in this centre leads to jealousy, codependency, martyrdom, self-aggrandizement, egotism, and tribalism.

Heart chakra healing techniques

Hand Healing

  • Healing using our hands is an age-old spiritual concept that entails placing the hands on or near the body to promote transformation. 
  • Our hands can help us move energy. 
  • To use your hands for these purposes, it’s helpful to first figure out something. Your dominant hand sends energy, and another hand receives it.
  • Your sending hand gives energy to others. Through it, you can also share energy with yourself. Your receiving hand absorbs energy from outside yourself. 

For this exercise, shake your hands freely, take a few deep breaths, and rub your hands together. It will open up your palms. Now keep your hands at a distance of about two inches from each other, palms facing, and sense the energy generated between your hands. Take your hand above your chest and move it in a clockwise direction to move the chakra energy.

Heart Chakra Meditation

  • Sit or lay down comfortably; take three slow and deep breaths. 
  • Each time you inhale, imagine your breath energizing the centre of your chest. 
  • Each time you exhale, release anything you might be holding in that area—any fear, pain, or expectation.
  • Hold your hands over your heart as it will help you connect more quickly with the chakra.
  • Start tapping in the centre of the chest and gently massage the area in small circular motions.
  • Continue directing your breath to your heart chakra. Imagine a green flower of light in that area opening and growing larger. Imagine that this flower is rotating in a clockwise direction.
  • After connecting your breath to your heart, ask your heart chakra what it needs right now. 
  • Your answer could be in the form of a word, sound, song, image, colour, feeling, or intuition. 
  • Generate the feeling from within.
  • If you don’t get any immediate feedback, do not worry! It will come as you continue practising. Be patient with yourself.
  • At the end of your meditation, take deep breaths while chanting YAM. 
  • Direct the energy of your breath into the mother earth to ground yourself. 
  • Gently open your eyes.


During meditation, if you feel stiffness in your heart chakra or pain from a past relationship, feel it and let it pass. Feel that the green flower on your heart is growing larger; feel it dissolving all the pains with the energy of love.

Questions you need to answer:

Write the answers to the following questions in your journal:

  • What was your definition of love in the past, and what is it now?
  • Where in your body do you feel love and, where do you need more love?
  • Who do you need to forgive?
  • Write the names of five people who love you the most. Then, show your gratitude towards them.

Heart Chakra Crystals

  • Rose quartz
  • Emerald
  • Green tourmaline 
  • Jade
  • Green calcite
  • Green kyanite
  • Peridot 

Before using the crystals for heart chakra healing, make sure that you clean them by using any of the following methods:

  • Use smoke from the sage or palo santo.
  • Lay them out overnight under the moonlight.
  • Soak them in saltwater.

Now that you have cleaned and charged your crystals, you can work with them:

  • Get into a comfortable position. 
  • Hold the crystal in your left hand that is the receiving hand. 
  • By doing this, you can receive the healing energy from the crystal. 
  • Feel the vibration of the crystal.
  • Open yourself to this energy and ask it to help you connect with the wisdom of your heart chakra. 
  • Allow yourself to be open to anything that may flow through. 
  • It will take time to get used to the energy if this is your first time. Be kind to yourself; know that it is on its way.
  • Lay down and place the crystal at the centre of your chest. Connect your breath to your heart. 
  • Feel the energy of the crystal penetrating inside every cell of your body. 
  • Feel the expansion in your heart from the energy of the crystal.

Heart chakra essential Oils

  • Rose
  • Geranium
  • Neroli
  • Palmarosa
  • Bergamot
  • Lavender
  • Lemon balm
  • Ylang-ylang

You can use a single essential oil or a blend of oils to connect with the heart chakra.  Add six drops of essential oil to 5 ml of carrier oil (such as coconut oil).  Apply some oil to the heart chakra at the centre of your chest. While rubbing the oil at the centre of your heart, take time to intentionally create a connection with the chakra. 

You can chant mantras or speak affirmations: 


Jai Radha Madhav is a mantra that celebrates the sacred bond of love between Goddess Radha and Lord Krishna. 

Heart chakra affirmations:

  • I have connected with my heart chakra. 
  • My body is filled with love and compassion. 
  • I radiate unconditional love. 
  • I let go of the fear that keeps me from receiving and giving love. 
  • My heart is filled with joy.
  • I love and accept myself fully. 
  • All is well.

Connecting with the goddess:

Quan Yin is the goddess of love and pure compassion. She is associated with the water. Quan Yin holds a chalice of healing waters that she pours upon the world. Feel the power of water to heal, refresh, and renew you while showering. Imagine standing beneath Quan Yin’s chalice of healing water, allowing it to flow over and through you. Carry this energy into your everyday.


The heart chakra is the seat of our soul. It connects the spiritual world with the physical world. Yoga is a beneficial tool that opens this area of our bodies.

Yoga poses to open the heart chakra:

When the Heart Chakra is well aligned, you can freely and openly love others as you love yourself. If it is blocked, you feel despair or a lack of hope. When in balance, Anahata creates a sense of wholeness and a host of love-centred abilities like empathy, compassion, friendliness, motivation, nurture, and acceptance.

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