35 feminine hygiene tips that will change your life

Feminine hygiene tips

We all know that the sweat produced by our body makes it sticky and stinky. We often think we look great, but still, to our dismay, people get turned off by us. Well, now they will not. Maintaining proper hygiene does not only make us look attractive in the eyes of others, but it is also very essential for our own health. Here, I have more than 35 life-changing feminine hygiene tips.

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Feminine hygiene tips that you need to know-

Cleaning your ear

  • Cotton buds are our go-to when it comes to cleaning our ears.
  • The problem is that tiny cotton fibres can get inside our ears, which can cause severe issues afterwards.
  • The best and easiest thing you can do is use a wet towel to clean your ear from the inside.
  • And yes, my friends, do not forget to clean that towel afterwards.

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  • Most people use plastic loofah every day in the shower.
  • The problem with a plastic loofah is that it doesn’t get dry. As a result, a lot of bacteria grow on it.
  • More hygienic alternatives are using an exfoliating glove or loofah made from natural fibres.
  • Ensure that you dry your loofah under direct sunlight at least 3-4 times a week to control bacterial growth.

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Oral hygiene

If you have the problem of bad breath and have tried everything in vain, these few feminine hygiene tips for oral care are all you need that will take that foul odour away-

Oil pulling-
Oil pulling can pull away impurities, clean and whiten your teeth, strengthen facial muscles, provide maximum taste, straighten teeth, and prevent dryness of the lips, mouth, and throat.
Swish 1 tablespoon of oil in your mouth for a few minutes; spit the oil out into a trash can when you are done to avoid clogging pipes and drains.
I like to do oil pulling with coconut oil, but you can use sesame oil also.
After oil pulling, brush your teeth.

Tongue cleaning-
Our tongue traps the bacteria, which are mainly responsible for bad breath. That is why brushing is not enough. Ensure that you clean your tongue using a tongue cleaner or brush.

It is the best bad breath hack you can go for after brushing your teeth at night. All you have to do is take a piece of alum and put it into 1/4th cup of water for 20 seconds. Take the alum out of the water and use that water as a mouth wash.
The only thing you need to know is that do not keep alum inside water for more than 20 seconds and do it before going to bed as you can not eat or drink anything afterwards.

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  • Wash your hands frequently during the day.
  • Our hands touch so many places during the day. As a result, they often come in contact with bacteria.
  • So, ensure that your hands are clean before you get intimate, and proceed with bathing, eating meals and doing your makeup/ skincare routine.
  • Do not let any dirt get trapped inside your nails. You can use an old toothbrush to wash your nails from the inside while washing your hands.
  • I like to clean my nails using this method once a week-

Fill a bowl with lukewarm water; squeeze half a lemon into it. Add squeezed lemon, 1 tbsp baby shampoo and Epsom salt. If you do not have baby shampoo, you can use regular shampoo.
Remove the nail paint and soak your hands in a bowl for 10 minutes. Then, clean your nails using a toothbrush in a circular motion. Rub the lemon peel on your nails. You can do this once a week.

The shampoo helps in removing the dirt from the nails. Lemon contains Vitamin C that helps erase discolouration; Epsom salt has a detoxifying effect.

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Body hygiene

If you sweat a lot, these simple tips will not be any less than a blessing for you-

  • Massage your body with oil before showering. It may sound odd, but it is an old ayurvedic practice that actually works really well.
  • The oil draws the impurities to the skin surface, and then when we shower, the accumulated dirt from the deep layers of the skin get washed off with water. So our body gets cleaned without getting dry.
  • Shower at least twice a day. It is the easiest thing you can do for a sweat problem.
  • Use body scrub once a week to remove the dead skin and clogged pores.
  • Hair traps in sweat which can cause bacterial problems. You can try out different ways and see which hair removal method works the best for you.
  • Clean your armpits, groin area and area below the breasts regularly.
  • Wash your towel once a week and dry it under the sunlight every day after bathing.
  • To make your armpits feel fresh, take 1 tbsp baking soda in a bowl.
  • Add aloe vera gel and a few drops of lemon to it.
  • Apply this paste on your armpits, and then wash it off after 5-10 minutes.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes so that your skin can breathe.

Feet hygiene

  • To maintain your feet’ hygiene, ensure that your toenails are clean, trimmed and free from dirt.
  • Change your socks regularly.
  • Put your shoes under the sunlight for some time to get rid of any bacteria.
  • Take a bowl filled with warm water. Squeeze half a lemon in it and put 1 tbsp Epsom salt.
  • Clean the skin between the toes and scrub your heels using a foot scrubber or pumice stone at least twice a week.

Belly button

  • Most people forget to clean their belly button every day while showering. Because of this, dirt accumulates in the navel that gives out an awful smell.
  • Make sure that you clean your navel using your finger every day and put two drops of oil inside it. There are a lot of dry nerves connected to our belly button. When we use oil in it, our nerves receive nourishment.
  • For it, you can use sesame, mustard or coconut oil.

Intimate hygiene for women

Vaginal hygiene is one of the main components of feminine hygiene tips, which every woman should follow religiously-

  • Change your undergarments every day.
  • Wear cotton undergarments so that the intimate area can breathe.
  • Avoid using intimate wash, body wash or soap in your vaginal area, as these things can throw off the PH balance. Simply use clean water to clean your vaginal area.
  • After urinating, rather than directly wearing the underwear tap, gently use toilet paper to prevent your underwear from getting wet to avoid bacterial problems.
  • Ensure that you use a spray to sanitise the toilet seat whenever you use the public rest rooms as we have no idea about who has been there before us.
  • During your periods, no matter whether you use- tampons or pads, change them frequently during the day.
  • If you use pads, use cotton ones.
  • If you use a menstrual cup, make sure that you sanitise it properly after using it.
  • When you clean the vaginal region, always clean from the front to the back ( butt area ) and never the other way around as it would draw more bacteria to your vagina.
  • Pee before getting intimate, as we do not want surface bacteria to go in.
  • If you have the problem of vaginal discharge, use panty liners- our aim should be to keep the vaginal region dry to prevent bacterial growth.
  • Dry your undergarments under the sun to remove any germs.
  • Make sure that you wash your hands before touching your intimate parts.
  • If you have a problem with the vaginal smell, you have to make changes in your diet. Include more healthy foods in your diet and drink a lot of water.
  • Do not wear underwear while sleeping, as your girl needs to breathe.
  • If you like wearing thongs, no issues! Ensure that you don’t wear them every day and try different styles.
  • Do not use any moisturiser on your vaginal region. The best vaginal moisturisers, in my opinion, are aloe vera gel and coconut oil.
  • Moisturise your vaginal area after removing hair. It is crucial to calm down your skin; prevent ingrown hair and razor bumps.

The list of these feminine hygiene tips might be overwhelming, but I kid you not- by including them in my hygiene routine, I feel fresh all the time.

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