How to live your dream life

Live your dream life

We all know how uncertain life is. And let’s be honest- this uncertainty can make us feel anxious. So what is the best way to deal with uncertainty? Can you live your dream life? The answer to all such questions is right below. The best way is to design your dream life and work according to your vision.
So, get excited; buckle your seat belts. We are about to embark on this journey together to design the blueprint of our dream life.

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Ways to live your dream life

Before we live our dream life, we require a blueprint to gain clarity on what we want- even when we have no clue about how we will get there. Start your adventurous journey of becoming your best version by answering these questions-

Answer these questions concerning the following areas of your life (finance, personal growth, health, family, relationships, social life, attitude, career )

  • What do I want to achieve or experience in my life?
  • What is my deepest desire?
  • Where do I see myself ten years from now?
  • What do I want to do with my life?
  • What deeply inspires me?
  • What can I accomplish within a 1-year time frame in my key areas of life?
  • How can I educate myself to make my goals come true?

Do not answer these questions in haste. Sit in a quiet place and literally take your time to answer them. Revise them at least once a month to make any changes.

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Daily goals

Becoming your best version at the end of the year depends on how you live- every day. So ensure that you write ( yes, write ) the answer to the following questions daily to keep yourselves in check-

  • How am I going to challenge my comfort zone today?
  • What is my intention for the day?
  • My priorities for the day are-
  • Three things I like about myself-
  • What am I grateful for today?

Before retiring for the day, answer these questions-

  • Did my work or I bring value to somebody?
  • How can I do better tomorrow?

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Create a vision board

Once you know what you want, you can make your dreams and goals come alive on the vision board. What it does is that it brings your goals to your awareness and motivates you to achieve them. If you are sceptical about whether vision boards work or not, let me tell you that they DO.

Create a clear list of your materialistic and non-materialistic goals

Take two sheets. On one, write all the materialistic things you want in your life. It includes everything from your groceries to your trips, cars, accessories, clothes, investments and house. Ensure that you also write how much everything costs.
It gives you a clear idea about how much money you want to make monthly to live your dream life.

In the same way, take another sheet and write the non-materialistic things you want to achieve. Things like joy, peace, love and health.
Writing both of these goals together will help you create a life that is more meaningful to you.

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“Rome was not built in a day.”

  • Our dream life is not something we can achieve instantly. It is an ongoing process that requires time, consistency, patience and hard work.
  • Try achieving one goal at a time. Otherwise, you will get overwhelmed.
  • Honour all the phases of your life, and never compare your journey with others.
  • It is not a big deal if you do not know how to achieve your dream life. Explore various things in your life and notice what sparks the joy within your being and makes you feel purposeful.
  • Trust your instincts and your life. You will get where you want to be.

Define success

  • What is success according to you? Maybe it’s a beautiful home, a luxury car, or a fabulous holiday featuring yachts and a gorgeous hotel.
  • Those are the kinds of images that often come up when many think about success. But is that “true” success? Is it your success?
  • Success for you can be raising successful children or doing meaningful work. For me, success is living the life I have designed.
  • Define success for yourself in all the areas of your life (physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial).
  • It will help you perform the necessary actions to create a life and work that work for you.

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Reward yourself every day

  • A daily reward acknowledges the accomplishments that you achieve throughout your day.
  • They are the rewards you present to yourself when it has been a particularly challenging day, and you have “made it through,” or maybe it is just another regular day.
  • When you reward yourself, it supports you in achieving your desired outcomes.
  • It motivates you to perform your best.
  • It is the easiest thing you can do to live your dream life. It will make you behave in ways that are aligned with your goals.
  • Rewarding yourself doesn’t have to be fancy, although it can be.
  • Everyday rewards include a hot cup of coffee, a walk in the garden or having a piece of your favourite dark chocolate.


  • Developing a success mindset is an ongoing process.
  • It takes focused attention, intention, and action daily.
  • People who live their personal definition of success have a plan to work on their mindset daily.
  • As human beings, we are creatures of habit. Our habits decide our success.
  • The good news is that we can change our old mindset with a bit of focused attention.
  • Pay attention to your every thought. Your thoughts should help you achieve your goals and not otherwise.
  • Know that your words have power.
  • Talk to your inner critic and let go of it as it no longer serves your future self.
  • Use your breath as a tool to live your life in the present moment.
  • Imagine yourself living your dream life.
  • Think as if you have achieved what you have always wanted.

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Take daily action

  • Every day presents a new opportunity to move a step closer to your dream life.
  • Maximize each day by committing to taking some action that will move you one step closer to your vision.
  • Focus your attention on the critical tasks necessary, and while doing them, treat them like they are the most crucial things to you.
  • Once you complete a task, let it go, and move on to the next necessary thing.
  • Do not keep pondering about the results you will get.
  • We have complete control over our actions but not our results.
  • So it is better to take responsibility for the things we can control.

Who is in your friend circle

Notice with whom you spend most of your time. Are these people negative, energy vampires or unambitious? We often surround ourselves with people that can take us nowhere.
If you want to live your dream life, surround yourself with people who have a ‘growth mindset’. They will motivate and guide you to become your best version.

Sharing is caring!

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