Job life becomes so mundane at times. You have had such a hectic and awful day. Your brain definitely needs a break, and you know it. Trying these inexpensive activities has so many benefits apart from improving your mood. Let us check out these 21 ways to feel better after a bad day at work.
Effective ways to feel better after a bad day at work
Walk-in nature
Spending time in nature or walking barefoot on grass is one of the easiest ways to feel better after a bad day at work. It helps us reconnect with nature, reduces stress and calms down our nerves.
The high vibration of nature automatically increases your vibration.
Drinking tea
Drinking a hot beverage like chamomile tea or mint tea has numerous benefits. It improves the function of our central nervous system, which will help you feel less anxious than before. It also improves your digestion, relieves congestion, detoxifies your body and improves circulation.
Social media
Most people think that being on Instagram or Facebook relaxes them. The reality is quite the opposite. Being online distracts us and takes our attention away from ourselves. It makes us compare our life more with others and increases the risk of depression, anxiety, loneliness and self-harm. The best thing you can do to feel better after a hard day is to unplug yourself from the online world and give attention to your inner world.
Sometimes it is difficult to make the best out of our day because we are TIRED. When you take proper sleep, you will notice an improvement in your creativity and problem-solving capacity, and the likelihood of having depression and other mental disorders will reduce significantly. Other than this, your work efficiency and energy levels will also increase.
How to find your happiness again
Watching inspiring stuff
When you feel helpless and hopeless, watch a motivational video or follow someone online who has gone through similar challenges. Doing this makes us feel like we are not the only one in this world who has problems. Watching content that inspires us gives us the adrenaline rush and opens our minds toward a solution.
Eating high vibrational food
One of the best things you can do to feel better after a hard day at work is to nourish your body with high vibrational foods. High vibrational foods are-
- Sprouts
- Green vegetables
- Fruits
- Beans
- Fermented foods
These foods offer your body the highest nutrition that keeps our bodies in a good PH balance. We feel lighter, better, and happier when we eat nourishing foods.
Mandala colouring
Mandala colouring is a form of art therapy that can instantly make you feel better after a bad day. It improves blood pressure, increases creativity and self-awareness, reduces anxiety, relaxes muscles and improves self-confidence. The cherry on top, all you need for this therapy is a mandala colouring book and colour pencils.
What can instantly improve our mood? GOOD MUSIC. Music enhances our intelligence and focus. It improves our mental health and boosts the immune system, self-esteem and confidence. It is best to relax, lift our mood, and improve concentration and sleep.
Doing a spa at home has numerous benefits. It gives our body a taste of self-love and self-care. A warm bath with Epsom salt relaxes our muscles, eases tensions of the day, and improves cardiovascular health and sleep. You can be fancy- add essential oils to your bath and make your own body polish and scrub.
Spend time with people you love
Spending time with the ones we love releases oxytocin in our bodies and makes us feel better. We all want someone with whom we can share our issues. The necessary thing to do here is to choose people who have the best intentions for us in their minds.
Stay away from judgemental, negative people and energy vampires. They have a problem for every solution.
Playing with pets
Nobody can beat pets when it comes to loyalty and unconditional love. Spending time with pets decreases blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
If you live alone, they will give you a sense of companionship, which will help you feel less lonely and depressed.
Yin yoga
It is one of the best forms of yoga to try if you are dealing with stress. In Yin yoga, we try to stay in a particular yogic posture for some time before moving on to the next. The movements are slow and controlled according to the rhythm of our breath. Doing this will instantly focus our attention on the inner world.
Heal and activate your heart chakra
The benefits of meditation are numerous. It helps us focus better, improves self-esteem and self-awareness, and lowers stress and anxiety levels. Although there are various kinds of meditations available online for free, the best one to practise is the meditation to LET GO. Doing this will instantly ground your energies and make you feel peaceful.
Breathing exercises and chanting
Breathing exercises are the best stress busters. They improve blood flow and immunity, calm down anxiety, improve posture and reduce inflammation. Deep breathing stimulates the vagus nerve, which reduces fight and flight response. In similar ways, chanting helps us release stress through our throat chakra in the form of mantras or sounds. They also decrease stress and anxiety and increase positivity.
14 essential oils to balance your hormones
Mindful dancing
Do you know that our emotions get trapped in our bodies? What mindful dancing does is that it helps us release those trapped emotions. All you have to do is play your favourite song and move your body the way it wants to move. Dancing regularly keeps our mind sharp, improves self-esteem, increases endorphins, improves our mood and eases depression.
It is believed that cleaning our surroundings also helps us clear our minds. It helps us find calm, gain control of the environment, uplift our mood, and heighten our focus. The best way to organize is to set the timer on your phone for 10-15 minutes and clean in that duration.
Gratitude list
Gratitude and any negative emotion can not stay together. Whenever you feel any negative emotion lingering inside you, write or speak 5 things you are grateful for. The important thing here is to feel the feeling. You will start feeling optimistic instantly.

One of the creative ways to feel better after a bad day at work is to explore something new. Go to a museum/ exhibition, try a new dessert or a restaurant. It will take your focus away from the negativity and boost your immune system.
Free writing
Pen down everything that comes to your mind without judging your thoughts. After writing, read what you have written- it might help you find out a negative pattern in yourself. Then burn the paper and watch it turn to ashes. This activity will help you prioritize your problems, fears and concerns.
The most incredible way to feel relaxed is by getting a massage. It reduces stress and muscle tension, increases relaxation, improves circulation and energy levels, and lowers heart rate and blood pressure.
Watch sitcom
The benefits of laughing can not be undermined. It lowers blood pressure, reduces stress hormone levels, improves cardiac health, boosts T cells, releases endorphins and produces a sense of well being. This is what sitcoms exactly do! They make you laugh, lighten up your mood and bring more joy.
These are my favourite ways to instantly improve my mood, which never fail.