18 things you can do to slow down skin ageing

Slow down skin ageing

Ageing is inevitable, but we can definitely delay it. As you stand before the mirror, do you notice age spots or fine lines on your forehead or around your mouth?
There are a few changes you can make to slow down skin ageing.
Let us check out these ways to delay premature ageing-

How to look younger than you are

Ways to slow down skin ageing

Protect your skin every day

Sun, wind and exposure to UV rays can lead to photo-ageing and cause significant damage to your skin like wrinkles and pigmentation. So whether you want to buy groceries or spend the day outside, wearing sun protection is vital. You can protect your skin with a big pair of sunglasses; cover up your face with a cloth or a natural sunscreen. If you choose to protect your skin using sunscreen, apply liberally and often to all the areas of skin not covered by clothing. If you have tattoos, ensure that you apply to them too.

Cleanse your skin twice a day

Sweating can irritate the skin. Therefore, you must wash your face twice daily. Do not forget to wash your face after working out, as you do not want sweat to linger on your face. Double cleanse your face at night if you wear makeup.

Exfoliate your face once a week

Gentle washing helps remove pollution, environmental toxins, makeup and other substances, but it does not remove the dead skin layer. Exfoliating your skin removes that stubborn dead skin from your face that helps renew your skin.

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Moisturize every day

Moisturizing traps water in our skin, giving more of a supple, full and youthful appearance. It is the most crucial step if you want to slow down skin ageing. Using a cleanser on our face and not moisturizing makes our skin dry, which is the root cause of wrinkles. Even if your skin is oily, ensure that you hydrate it properly. Do not forget to use a moisturizer on your hands, neck and chest.

Stop using acids that burn/sting

Most chemically latent skincare products subtly irritate your skin and show that the product is unfit for it. Later on, it can cause further damage to your skin by making your skin layer very thin.

Stop smoking

Smoking degrades the integrity of your cells. According to studies, smokers are four times more likely than nonsmokers to report feeling unrested after a night’s sleep. Restless sleep is one of the extrinsic factors of skin ageing.

Drink less alcohol

Alcohol is dehydrating. It robs our skin of the well-needed moisture and slows down cellular activity. Puffy eyes, tired skin, fine lines and wrinkles make dehydrated skin noticeable.

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Avoid repetitive facial expressions.

Every time you make a facial expression, you contract the underlying muscles.
By repeatedly contracting these muscles, the lines become permanent. Be conscious of your facial expressions. Fine lines on your face can be due to repetitive facial expressions. The best thing you can do is give facial yoga a try. It is highly beneficial to slow down skin ageing.

Exercise 6 days a week

Exercise increases blood and oxygen flow. Increasing blood and oxygen flow throughout your body increases circulation. Additionally, exercising gives your immune system a big boost. It removes toxins faster, allowing your face and skin to clear up.

Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet

According to various researches, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help prevent damage that leads to premature skin ageing. Practising intermittent fasting and eating antioxidant-rich foods can benefit you greatly. On the other hand, diets high in sugar and simple carbohydrates can accelerate ageing.
Consuming nourishing meals not only improves the texture of our skin but also reduces the chances of having other ageing problems. Try using herbs. They promise great anti-ageing benefits.

18 anti ageing foods

Do not sleep with makeup on

No matter how tired you are, you can not sleep with makeup on your skin. The night is the time for your skin to repair and renew itself, and if you sleep in makeup, your pores get clogged, which does not let your skin renew itself. So, ensure that no traces of makeup remain on your skin before bedtime.

Keep yourself hydrated

What you put into your body reflects on your skin. No matter what cream you use, it is useless if your body is dehydrated. Just drinking water is not enough. Consume fresh juices, smoothies, soups and coconut water. Cut down on caffeinated drinks.

Quality sleep

When we do not get adequate sleep, we wake up with tired skin.
Not having a sound sleep can cause pigmentation, dark circles, wrinkles and adult acne.

Focus on the hygiene

Wash your hands before touching your face.
Ensure that whatever comes in contact with your face should be clean.
Clean your phone screen and makeup brushes. Use washed pillow and towel.


Skin massaging is one of the major secrets to slowing down skin ageing. If you use your hand to massage your face, use it in an upward direction (opposite to the pull of the gravity). Several tools can facilitate the motive, for example- gua sha. It not only tightens your skin but also reduces the inflammation on your face. Before massaging your face, use a serum or oil so that the massager can glide easily on your face.

Face yoga for tighter skin

Try different things

Do not stick to one skincare product for years.
Try different products depending on your skin needs and season. Using one thing for years makes our skin used to it. As a result, we stop getting results from that particular product.

Make your own stuff

Have you tried DIYs before? Making our own skincare products is a lot of fun. You know what is going into your product, and they are highly effective. No preservatives are added to it. Try making your own hydrating face masks and use them at least twice a week. The results will pleasantly shock you!

Remove mental stress

When we feel stressed, our organs are in fight or flight mode.
Stress consumes most of the energy we need for the proper functioning of our bodies. It can also cause premature ageing as our mind and body are linked together. Try various grounding, breathing and mindfulness techniques for better functioning of the mind and body.

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