6 ways to reignite your feminine power again

Feminine power

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Where did that smile, creativity, love for your own beauty, connectedness and openness to life, which you had when you were five, go away?
Do you still think that you are what you do or your relationships?
Have you given the key to your satisfaction to your children? Do you think of having your dreams accomplished along with your kids’?
Do you still feel hesitant to give your body pleasure?
Have you been so busy lately that you are now feeling disconnected from the magic of life?
The answer to all these questions relies upon two words FEMININE POWER. How so? Keep reading

6 ways to reignite feminine power

Now start living for yourself

  • Women are generally caring by nature. We give ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually for the happiness of others around us.
  • We sacrifice our own dreams to make the dreams of others a reality.
  • Over time we get energetically depleted and feel betrayed by the people around us. We give the key to the emotions we feel in the hands of others. And, this is what makes us believe that they are responsible for our state.
  • We try to fix others and fail to recognise that we are the ones who give our power to others.
  • When we do not realise the strength of the feminine power within us, this is what happens.
  • Feminine energy is never meant to fix things outside of us- it is about going deep within and exploring every aspect of ourselves.

Next time, whenever you feel any negative emotion, ask yourself-

What is it about the situation that is making me feel this way?
What can I do within me to fulfil this void?
Whatever your answer is, work on fulfilling the void within you without changing anything outside you. Now is the time. Start living for yourself!

So who are you trying to take validation from

What makes you feel worthy?
Is it beauty, money, social status, friends or a successful career?
We base our happiness on what we have in life, how our life is going. If our life is going according to our ways, we are happy. If it is not going our way, we are unhappy.
Our love for ourselves is also very conditional. We tend to love ourselves only if we match our ‘ideals’. Otherwise, we are usually one step ahead in looking down on ourselves.
How about honouring the life cycles as they are and surrendering to the higher power? How about we start imagining ourselves as someone better and not worse? Know that beauty of life is in its uncertainty.

  • Visualise a light flowing from your head to toe from divine mother goddess carrying love.
  • Do mirror practice by saying I love you to yourself in the mirror as soon as you wake up.
  • Catch yourself whenever negative thoughts start getting the better of you like- I am such a loser, nobody loves me, why don’t I have any money.
  • Transform these thoughts by thanking them and the patterns for protecting you. Then, affirm positive affirmations to yourself. It might be difficult at first. But soon enough, you will break free from your old patterns.

Your body is divine

  • Our body is a holy vessel and, it is our duty to take care of it physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally.
  • It is through our body that we experience this physical world.
  • Now is the time to stop defining yourself by what you do or who you know.
  • Learn to embrace all aspects of yourself; honour your strengths, acknowledge your weaknesses.
  • Never lie to yourself. Know your truth at any moment- even in the most adverse conditions.
  • Consciously choose who you surround yourself with or your support system. Let go of the need for people to like you and validate you.
  • Try to calm yourself and cut yourself some slack when upset or frustrated.
  • Pursue your dreams. Become your own best friend.
  • Clear out all the past emotions that stop you from moving forward in life.
  • Always be kind and compassionate with yourself.
  • Accept how your physical body is right now. There is nothing wrong with making changes in your physique but make sure that all your actions come from self-love and care.
  • Be mindful of what substances you put into your body and, do not forget to do physical exercise.

Womb healing has been really beneficial for me in clearing my past wounds. If you want to know how, CLICK HERE

Spiritual practices

  • We superficially live our life without connecting with the non-physical aspect of it.
  • Why is this not good?
  • When we neglect the being, we can never feel the magic.
  • You will never know what it is like to be connected to your ancestors who are no more but, their DNA is still inside you.
  • We have to find our identity other than mother, sister, worker, daughter, wife, etc. There has to be something in our life that connects us to the roots and the magic of life.
  • Doing meditations, goddess rituals, connecting to your ancestors and spending time in nature is how I feel grounded.
  • You can try different things and then see what works for you. Make sure you devote some time to your own spiritual practice.
  • Once you tune in, you can never go back to who you once were. It is like realising the sacredness in everything, and then you will bow down to this beautiful creation and will see god even in stone.

These are my favourite goddess rituals- Click here

Sacred sexuality

If you link your sexuality and sensuality with words like ‘dirty’ or ‘wrong’, you will never be able to tap fully into your feminine power.
Your sexuality is the primary life-force energy connected to your creativity, vitality, and joy. Keeping yourself away from it is like becoming fearful of your own feminine power.
When you own your sexuality fully, creativity will never leave you.

Your sexual energy is your creative energy. You can use it to give birth to your dreams along with a child. You can also take the fiery energy of your sexuality and channel it into manifesting your desires.
If you have been through sexual abuse or trauma, being sexual will bring back old trauma or memories. To heal from old wounds, it is crucial to consciously clear the pain from your womb. Remember that you can heal and reclaim your sexuality. It involves using energetically womb water of the goddess to wash your sexual energy of past trauma, misconceptions, repression, and fear.

It does not matter whether you have a partner or not. Do not shy away from exploring your own body. You can use self-pleasuring methods, yoni mapping, yoni eggs.

Ask yourself:-

  • What am I ready to clear out of my being?
  • How do I want to connect with my yoni?
  • How can I divert my sexual energy towards creating something?

Notice the things that make you feel sensual. They might include a piece of clothing or a song. Never let your sensuality and your sexuality fizz away.

Find your voice

Since childhood, we have always been trying to impress others around us- from wanting to become a doctor because it was your father’s wish to desperately doing everything only to impress your crush.
We feel worthy by finding our worth in the eyes of others.
There are times when we betray ourselves or do not set specific boundaries.
Other than fulfilling others’ expectations for you, work on your own desires.

Write everything you want on a piece of paper.

  • Dream career-
  • Perfect relationship-
  • Health goal-
  • What I want to do in my free time-

Align yourself with what you have written to answer the above questions. You do not have to do it to impress others. What is meant for you will find you. You do not have to run behind other people to seek validation if you validate yourself. Stand up for yourself, communicate what you want, set clear cut boundaries and let nobody cross them. Every time you don’t speak for yourself and let others cross their limits, you are giving away your sacred feminine power to them.

Open your heart to life and align your energies with it.
Speak your truth.
Take care of your vessel.
Stay grounded and first be in a relationship with yourself.
Forgive others and become free from your past as the burden is not for you to carry.
Reclaim your sensuality.
Claim Your Strength and feminine power by embodying your Wisdom.

Sharing is caring!

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