Most epic ways to create the life that you love

Life that you love

Looking at the abode of all existence from the roof of the world intrigues all. And Lizzy was no exception. In fact, she was more curious about the same than anyone else. Conquering a mountain and looking at the world from a different view has always been her dream. But, like many of us, the girl felt that she did not possess the physical strength required for the task.
However, she never let that stop her. There were times when she felt hopeless; times were hard on her as well. When times told her that she could never make it, she responded that she could definitely make it. Lizzy reminded herself that she was strong- strong enough to conquer the mountain without getting breathless and brave enough to live the life of her dream.
In reality, it wasn’t the lack of strength that was holding her back- it was her fear. Finally, after two years, she succeeded in accomplishing her dream. Along with a sense of accomplishment, this achievement made her realise that nothing is impossible.
Are you also one of those people who want to create the life of their dreams? Then, keep on reading and create a life that you love.

Ultimate ways to create a life that you love-

Powerful life begins with taking a stand—developing the vision, countering wrong beliefs, having a plan and then moving forward to be the best version of one’s true self.
To create a life that you love, start with a desire for a better life.
You need to understand the power of your dreams and hold the highest vision for yourself.
Envision the highest possibility for yourself.
To transform limiting beliefs, determine what is meaningful for you, construct a compelling vision from that insight and then find ways to manifest that vision.

Physical Health

  • No matter what quality of genes you have, maintaining your own health is still under your control.
  • Notice what kind of foods you are consuming. Are they nourishing for your body?
  • Are you exercising every day?
  • Do you take proper sleep?
  • Do you maintain proper hygiene?
  • Many lifestyle factors keep us from being physically healthy. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, lack of exercise, poor diet, excessive alcohol consumption, stress and depression, are all lifestyle factors that we can change.
  • Choose to avoid deep-fried potato chips and go for baked kale chips, go for a walk with nature, consume more water every day. Then, notice how your body feels.


  • You can not build a life you love if your emotions are not in your control. They assist you in achieving personal empowerment.
  • When emotions cause pain, it is beneficial to understand why and work on them.
  • Painful emotions help us in understanding that there is a problem, which needs our attention. It allows us to see our own truth.
  • When we are conscious of the uncomfortable emotions, we are able to see the beliefs that are serving us and destroying us.
  • When we work on our emotions, it helps us understand what is happening in the present and clear the wounds given by the past.
  • Start taking responsibility for your own feelings and emotions. Notice the situations and people that trigger you, and then learn to let go of negative emotions.
  • Achieving greater emotional calm is a big step towards personal empowerment.


  • Acting on your emotions helps you develop beautiful and healthy relationships.
  • Developing healthy relationships with others is crucial but do not forget your relationship with yourself.
  • When you are not your authentic self in relationships, people around you feel distant from you, and it will replace the feelings of intimacy with that of loneliness.
  • When you are genuine in your relationship, it will lead to greater unconditional love and more fulfilling and honest relationships.
  • You need to realise that there is no person who does not change. Thus, with time, our relationships with people around us should also evolve.
  • Like everything, relationships also require work so that they last for a lifetime.


  • If you want to enjoy financial independence and live the life of your dreams, you need to have an abundance mindset.
  • This involves cultivating the confidence and belief that money is always available in multiple quantities.
  • When you give mixed internal messages like I need more money, but it is not easy to earn money these days, you block the flow of abundance in your life.
  • Start dissolving the disbelief in the possibility of having what you want.
  • Educate yourself, try new things and look for multiple streams of income.
  • Empty out the negative thoughts to gain the confidence that abundance is yours.

Faith in yourself

  • When your Faith-in-Yourself is strong, your self-esteem is high. You believe in yourself. You’re kind to yourself. It allows you to keep moving forward even when you face obstacles and challenges.
  • The conversation you have in your head supports you and helps you achieve your goals.
  • Your success and happiness almost become impossible if you lack faith in yourself. Even when everything is going well, you don’t feel you deserve your good fortune.
  • The negative thoughts in your mind start sabotaging your own success.
  • Start by becoming aware of the conversation taking place in your head.
  • Identify the negative thoughts in your mind. This will allow you to see the trash that you have been feeding yourself.
  • Take time to reflect. Consciously choose the thoughts that are positive and loving.


  • To live a life, having strong determination is the key.
  • It gives you the ability to stay focused on your ultimate objective and continue striving for your goal until you reach it.
  • It supplies the power you need to accomplish your goals.
  • When you have poor determination, your life is filled with failures. Repeated failures make us feel hopeless; victimhood begins to grow in us. We start avoiding challenges and start looking for others to blame.
  • When you are truly determined, you do anything and everything required to achieve your goal. You will take the best and most effective approach to reach your aim.
  • Remember, being determined isn’t about working overtime, aggressively and tiring yourself out.
  • Determination keeps you linked to your highest purpose in life and helps you achieve your goals.
  • To become a determined person-
  • Pick a goal.
  • Be focused on it.
  • Stay connected to the centre of yourself. Remember, it is okay to ask for help along the way.

Find your flow

  • When you are not afraid of failures and insecurities, better things find you.
  • When you find your flow, it allows others to find their flow.
  • Your work begins to speak for you.
  • Your energy becomes contagious.
  • You radiate greatness and become the magnet of all the blessings.

Your life is your choice. A part of Lizzy exists in each one of us.
All of us are allowed to choose the better. Thus, choose wisely and create a life that you love. You just have to remember that no mountain is so high that you can not climb it.

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