Best tricks to get soft lips

To get soft lips

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I have not met anyone who does not want to get soft lips.
With making us look beautiful, our lips act as indicators of our overall health. Try these soft lip remedies if you have tried everything in vain to find a solution for chapped lips. I am sure no matter how dry and chapped your lips are, these remedies will be effective.

If you do not like DIYs and want to purchase effective products, I have mentioned them also.

Easy ways to get soft lips

Honey and sugar lip scrub

All you need is-

  • 1 tbsp Honey
  • 1/2 tbsp sugar

Mix honey and sugar together and apply the mixture to your lips. Scrub your lips with it for 3 minutes. Then, leave it on your lips for 10 minutes and wash it off. Please be very gentle while scrubbing your lips. Ensure that you are using granulated sugar.

Honey helps moisturize your lips and protect them from infection and chapping. Sugar works as an exfoliator and can help remove dry, dead skin from your lips.

Everyday lip scrub

It is the easiest way to get soft lips. For this, all you need is a toothbrush. Soak your toothbrush in hot water for 5 minutes until the bristles get soft. Wash your lips with warm water. With a toothbrush in a circular motion, scrub your lips.
Make sure not to use the toothbrush with heavy pressure.
You can do this every day.

A toothbrush helps in removing dead skin from your lips. It will bring the blood flow to your lips, which will give them a fuller appearance.

Lip massage

Lip massage is beneficial not only if you want to get soft lips but also, to make them plumper.
For this you need-

  • 1/2 tbsp Clarified butter ( ghee )
  • A pinch of turmeric

Mix the clarified butter with turmeric. Massage with this for 2-3 minutes after using a lip scrub. Wash it off after 15 to 20 minutes.

Ghee contains phospholipids that are beneficial in keeping our lips hydrated. Turmeric reverses the damage caused by the sun and helps remove tan and dullness.

Consuming fluid

One of the major causes of dry and chapped lips is dehydration. When we do not consume enough water, our lips become dry.
The worst thing is that we start licking our lips to hydrate them. Our saliva can cause discolouration. Rather than licking your lips, take dryness as a sign that your body is giving you to consume more liquids, especially water.

Belly button oiling

It is an ancient Indian remedy to get soft lips.
Apply mustard oil to your belly button after a shower or before sleeping. You might not see an instant result but, over time, it will enhance the beauty of your lips.

Your navel has the power to detect dried out veins. And, when we supply oil to them, toxins get removed. The right nerve with the right amount of nourishment makes your skin glow from within.

DIY Lip mask

I love this lip mask. It hydrates my lips and helps get rid of dullness and discolouration.
For this you need-

  • 1 tbsp Rose petal paste
  • Milk
  • 1/4 tbsp honey

The first step is to wash the rose petals and grind them in a mixer. Take rose petal paste and add honey to it. Add enough milk until you get a paste-like consistency.
Apply this mask on your clean lips and wash it off after 10-15 minutes.
The best thing about this DIY is that you can also use it as a face mask.

Milk contains lactic acid; rose petals have antioxidants in them. Both were used together in ancient remedies for lip lightening. The addition of honey to it will make this mask super hydrating.

Overnight lip mask

It is my favourite remedy to get soft lips overnight.
For this you need-

  • 6 Vitamin e capsules
  • Saffron

In a bowl, pour the gel from Vitamin E capsules. Add two saffron strands to the gel and mix it. Pour this mixture into a clean container and use it every night before sleeping.

Vitamin E on lips promotes cell turnover and regeneration. Saffron with long-term use gives our lips a beautiful pink colour.

Lip oil

Lip oils are my favourite. I have literally replaced my lip gloss with lip oil. To make lip oil, I use-

  • 2 tbsp Almond oil/ Olive oil
  • 3-4 strands of saffron

In a clean container, take almond/ olive oil. Add saffron strands to the oil and shake it. Guess what! You are done.
You can use this lip oil whenever needed.

Almond oil has nourishing properties that lock up the moisture on our lips. When mixed with saffron, it helps bring out the original colour of our lips.


  • Make sure that you use sunscreen on your lips too.
  • Do not use expired cosmetics.
  • Do not use face products that contain salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide on your lips.
  • Avoid licking your lips.
  • Give your lips a break from lip cosmetics.
  • Take care of your health properly. Make sure that you are hydrated throughout the day and avoid smoking.
  • Do not consume unbearably hot beverages.

Tinted lip balm

We use so many lip balms without looking at the ingredients. Most lip balms contain harmful chemicals, artificial colours and fragrances, which cause damage to our lips in the long run. Some lip products even have a drying chemical which makes us apply the product in short intervals.
It is one of my favourite lip balm recipe. To prepare it you need-

  • 1 tsp grated beeswax
  • 2 tsp shea butter
  • 1 tsp coconut oil
  • 2 tsp sweet almond oil
  • Five drops of rose essential oil
  • Five drops of Beetroot juice

Start the double boiler on medium heat. Once it reaches a boil, reduce the heat to simmer. Place the beeswax and shea butter on top of the double boiler and cover. Simmer until melted, stirring occasionally. Add the coconut oil and stir until melted.
To preserve the beneficial nutrients, do not overheat.
Remove from heat, take the top pan off the double boiler, and dry with a towel so that no water drips into your melted butter. Add the sweet almond oil. Next, stir in the Beetroot juice and rose essential oil.
Pour the mixture into the jars. Cover with a plastic wrap and leave it undisturbed for 4 hours or overnight.

Benefits of lip balm

If the mixture hardens too much before you can pour it, gently melt it again in the double boiler.
Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight. The shelf life of this lip balm is one year.
To use, remove a small amount from the jar with your fingertip and spread it onto your lips.

Shea butter, sweet almond, coconut oil, and beeswax form a perfect barrier to protect your lips from drying by making them super soft and kissable. The Beetroot juice in it will give it a beautiful colour. This DIY lip balm makes a fun gift too.

I opt for these simple ways to keep my lips soft and healthy. What about you? Make sure you give these soft lips remedies a try as they work! Also, do not forget to do a patch test.

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